Powerlessness comes from acting like a victim. That is the ego's way of getting attention in order to confirm its own identity through others feeling sorry for you. But you cannot gain true power, the power that comes with being a Son of God, this way. Do you notice how those who act like a victim continue to add more items or points to their victim persona? Because they are not getting what they truly need, they ratchet up the victimization story in a futile attempt to gain power that way.
The lens of victimization starts for most in childhood, and when they are a child, they are truly a victim if they have been emotionally, physically, or sexually abused. They do not have the ability or the perspective to protect themselves and to see their experience in a different way. But when someone reaches adulthood, they do have the ability to think of their childhood experiences in a different way and to see from a higher perspective. They have the ability to make a choice. Do they want to remain in hell or not, because seeing yourself as a victim is hell. When you are healing from any negative childhood experience, you will reexperience the victimization and the associated feelings and beliefs around what happened. But all of this is meant to come to the surface, be felt, and be released for good. When you stay in the pain and beliefs associated with the victimization, you have not grown, nor have you truly healed.
The lens of victimization starts for most in childhood, and when they are a child, they are truly a victim if they have been emotionally, physically, or sexually abused. They do not have the ability or the perspective to protect themselves and to see their experience in a different way. But when someone reaches adulthood, they do have the ability to think of their childhood experiences in a different way and to see from a higher perspective. They have the ability to make a choice. Do they want to remain in hell or not, because seeing yourself as a victim is hell. When you are healing from any negative childhood experience, you will reexperience the victimization and the associated feelings and beliefs around what happened. But all of this is meant to come to the surface, be felt, and be released for good. When you stay in the pain and beliefs associated with the victimization, you have not grown, nor have you truly healed.