I am Therefore I am: December 2012

Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.

Monday, December 31, 2012

What Attacks?

Love has no need to attack. It knows what it is. Only fear attacks. Only fear judges. Only fear hates. If you do these things, you are not fear, but you believe you are fear or you would not do these things. You are Love, for only Love exists. God is Love, and God is One, which means that He is All that exists. Release the false belief that you can be something you are not, and you will be what you are --- Love.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

By Virtue of ...

Think closely as to what it means when we say that God's Love is unconditional. This means without conditions. Nothing is required of you. There is nothing you need to do to earn that Love. Nothing you have to say, do, think, or believe in --- you have that Love, are that Love, by virtue of your Oneness with Him. You were created by Love, to be the object of that Love, and you are that Love as well. All else is false.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

Wonder is Everywhere

Wonder surrounds you, everywhere. You only have to look and listen. Stop being preoccupied with things that don't matter and are not real. Take a walk in nature and really listen, be absorbed in what is around you. Look beyond appearances and see God within everyone and everything, for we are One, and He is All. Yes, this includes you!

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Friday, December 28, 2012

The Same

It appears that some people are farther along the spiritual path than others, but how can that be when we are all One? Oneness means the same. This is a world of illusion in which differences appear. See the appearance or cover for another person, but recognize the God within them, recognize that they are you.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Making of God's Diamond

A diamond does not become a diamond without a huge amount of pressure and heat that is created by the earth. Similarly, your process of coming home to Him is not without "pressure" and "heat". There are times on this journey when we are releasing false beliefs, and these times can feel very hard. Even after the diamond is formed, it is still rough. This is when the polishing takes place, and a tre...mendous amount of friction is needed for that. So that you can be made into a perfect clarity and brilliant diamond which reflects Light in an infinite fashion, you too must be polished. This polishing is done by other rough diamonds, often someone you are close to. As they polish you, you polish them through the friction of your relationship. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The "Right" Path

Your path back to God is "right" for you. The next person's path is different but "right" for them. We can't be on the wrong path, and everyone is on a path. Does this broaden your definition of "right"? 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

You Don't Remember

When you have truly forgiven someone, when you have given it to God and you have moved past it, you no longer think about it at all. If it was some sort of disagreement or argument with someone close to you, and you cannot even remember the basis for the argument, that is a great sign you have put it behind you. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

How Will YOU Go Forward?

Albert Einstein said that we cannot solve a problem using the same means as what created the problem. What he was telling us was to rise to a higher level of consciousness, a God consciousness, to "solve" the world's problems. When we do that the world's problems/appearance of the world changes. So to come down on either more gun control or armed protectors in the schools in response to the Newtown tragedy totally misses the boat, because this is solving using the same means. There will always appear problems in an ego or false consciousness world, because it is not God's Kingdom.

So how do we respond to tragedies such as Newtown? First, we must not cast blame --- blame and judgment are why the world appears in the mess that it is. God's Kingdom is one of Love, not blame, victimization, or judgment. So your task is to have great compassion and Love on everyone involved in this tragedy, including the shooter. Pray that God's awareness and Love is manifest in the hearts and minds of everyone involved. God uses everything --- he makes lemons out of lemonade if we ALLOW Him. So there is always an opening for each of us individually, and the world collectively, to use something horrific to move back to a remembrance of Him and His Love. You saw that when the first dad to make a statement had great compassion on the shooter's family --- to hold that compassion in the midst of tremendous grief is truly His Presence working.

It is important for each of us to recognize that we are responsible for everything that happens in this world. We are not separate --- there is one body of Christ. Individually and collectively, we have brought ourselves to this turning point. What choices will we make now ---- blame/judgment, or Love/compassion? We have not made good choices to this point as we have turned our face from God and put the things of the world above Him. When we have greed, when we poison the environment and our food, when we have no sense of unity/community, would you expect different results than what you are seeing? 

When you increase your Light through Love and compassion, that Light shines brightly, illuminating the world. Just one candle in a darkened room pierces that darkness a large amount. So how will YOU go forward? 

Lawrence Doochin

Friday, December 21, 2012

Up to You

It is totally up to you. It is totally your choice. There is no one outside of you to blame --- you have complete responsibility. If there are areas of your life that are not working well, if life has been hell for you, are you giving them to Him? Are you giving Him your anger, resentment, bitterness, non forgiveness, pride, fear, judgment, and self judgment? Have you given it to Him, not asked Hi...m to take it, but given it to Him and said I cannot have these in me anymore? Have you not seen the correlation between all of those and what has been going on with you?

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Is The Search Your Diversion?

Have you ever arrived? Are you ever good enough? Do you have enough money, do you have enough success in your career, does your body look good enough? Are you one of those people whose mantra is "always need and want more?" If so, do you see that you can never arrive at a place that satisifes you? The form doesn't matter. Its the search you are using to never accept and fully be present with yourself.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Good Is All That Exists

Good is all that exists, because God is all that exists. When the appearance of evil is taken away, when the power of the belief in it is withdrawn, good is all that is left, because it was the only thing there to start with.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

From Love

You can't help the world if you come from a space of fear, because the world is the mess it is due to fear. You can only help it be transformed from Love.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as
possible. Thanks and God bless.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Where Does The Power Lie?

What has more power? You or your beliefs? Think about the difference. Are you your beliefs or something else? Can anything that changes, like your beliefs, be of God, who is Changeless? If you are not your beliefs, who are you?

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Cons
ciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Many Views of God

There is one God. God loves All --- God is All. Yet every religion, even every individual, holds a different view of this one God, and this view changes over time. Can God change? Can one religion or individual have the "right" view of God and all others are wrong? Are we truly seeing God or is our perception of God filtered through the lens of societal and our individual beliefs? Can we know the
Absolute in this world of shadows and symbols?

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Love Overcomes

Love doesn't overcome by force. It overcomes by gentleness. It fills the vacuum when everything that is false falls away. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Always a Blessing

Part of the awesome magic and beauty of life is that you never know who God will bring into your path. If you remember that every person is brought to you so that both of you can help the other reflect and remember Him, every relationship will be seen as a blessing, even if it is one that is "adversarial."

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Cons...

ciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible.
You may need to copy and paste the link to open it or go to The Divine Speaks website to download at www.thedivinespeaks.com
Thanks and God bless.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

His Love You Seek

You know that Love which you feel so strongly in the early part of a romantic relationship --- it is consistently there and it gives you great joy, like it is the greatest thing in your life? This is a recreation of your Love for Him. At a subconscious level you believe this other person fills the longing you have and ends the journey or search to come back to God's Love. No one recognizes this is what they are searching for. If they did, they would know that a relationship based with one person that is based on human love cannot be a substitute. But this is why so many people go from relationship to relationship. They believe that the "next" one will bring them what they want. They do not realize that is God they want. Human ego love will always disappoint --- that is why after the newness has worn off, they are disappointed and they blame the other person for not giving then what they want. You can find Divine Love through this other person if both people commit themselves to working through the ego disappointments and games. Underneath this falseness, within this other person, is God and His Love.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. You may need to copy and paste this link or you can also download from The Divine Speaks website at www.thedivinespeaks.com Thanks and God bless.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Do You Have Enough Info?

Humility is realizing that you never have enough info to judge a situation. It is realizing that you cannot know the proper response, but that God knows, as you allow His response to come through you.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. You may need to copy and paste the link to open it or also go to The Divine Speaks Website to download. Thanks and God bless.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Beginning of Wisdom

To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom. That does not mean being smart or being well educated. You can be those things and not have the wisdom that comes from observing and witnessing yourself in your surroundings, in your relationships with others, in your relationship with Life, and especially in your relationship with God. To know thyself opens the Kingdom of Heaven, and you cannot find any
answers outside of your Self. The journey of knowing thyself is one of immense joy, awe, glory, and gratitude, and sometimes a little pain :)

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. You may need to copy and paste the link to open it or go to The Divine Speaks website. Thanks and God bless.


Monday, December 10, 2012

You Are The Link

If your parents supported you, hugged you, and told you they loved you, then continue that pattern with your kids. If your parents criticized you all the time and did not love and support you emotionally, break that pattern with your kids. It takes a lot of courage to break free from a family dynamic which is the is the only one you have known, even if it is dysfunctional. You are the missing link between your parents and your kids, and whether you decide to live in fear or to live courageously will determine the ripple through many generations, past and future.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Sunday, December 09, 2012

Done From Love

When everything is done from Love, nothing is a chore, nothing is a burden.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Saturday, December 08, 2012

Fear Not of God

Fear is not a healthy emotion in any sense. Some fears are more like precautions, like walking slow on ice or having virus protection for your computer. But outside of these, all that fear does is contract you. Where Love expands you and allows you to be a large container for Him, fear does the opposite. There are many forms that fear can appear as --- fear of being poor, fear of not being good enough, fear of not being lovable, fear of death --- these are just a few. But all of these are a subset of one fear, the belief that you will be punished by Him for separation from Him. This belief is false, for we can never not be One with Him, but our belief creates the basis of this false world and all that you see. So the good news is that you have only one fear, one belief, to release. When you do this, all of the secondary fears fade into nothingness.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. I strongly recommend you download it, and please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Don't Run from It

How do you change something about yourself? Let's say you get jealous easily. When you condemn yourself for being jealous and you try not to be, you are only giving it more power by fighting against it. But what if you just witness and sit with your jealousy? It may not feel good, but you are not running from it nor giving it power. You are bringing it to the present moment where God exists. You a
re being okay with it and with yourself. And in doing this, you transform it.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. I encourage you to download it (go to The Divine Speaks website), and please let others know about it as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Solving Your Problems

An outside or worldly view does not "solve" your problems. Your problems are solved by seeing them with His perspective --- then there are not really problems; there are are opportunities to grow closer to Him. You may have to clear out the muck and false beliefs to recognize the peace and joy that awaits you, but He is there to assist you if you allow Him to help you see from a higher perspective.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. I encourage you to download it from The Divine Speaks website or via the link below, and please let others know about it as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.



Wednesday, December 05, 2012

An Appearance

2 Corinthians 4:17-18 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. for the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

If you do not see Him, you are not seeing what is Real. You are seeing an appearance, something temporary which will pass away. You are watching a play on the stage and believing it is real, and this is where your fear comes from. When you know what is eternal and Real, which is God, then you know your safety is in Him and what happens in the world cannot affect you. You can be in the world but not of it.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. I strongly recommend you download it, and please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Powerful Booklet

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. I strongly recommend you download it, and please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. The link is below. Thanks and God bless.



Monday, December 03, 2012

Allow Him

God cannot help you unless you ALLOW Him to help you. He will give you hints as to the steps you need to take for emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental healing, but it is up to you to take those steps, as you have free Will. If you don't take the steps, it will be obvious why your life is not what you want it to be.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Don't Be Attached

You can want something to happen without being attached to the outcome. Feel the joy as if it has already happened. This is how you create from the level of spirit. But don't be attached to it happening --- this may not be something that is in your highest good. Or God may have even a grander vision than what you are seeing. When we are attached to something, we need it almost to complete something in ourselves. So want it, but know that you are complete and whole, His holy child, whether it happens or not. Always give God the full reins and don't try to control anything. If you are attached to something, like holding the string to a kite, He cannot take it to the heights.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

What is "Bad?"

Does God allow bad things to happen? This question does not make any sense, as God expresses through you. He is not separate from you and is not making decisions about what happens to you. We make choices, and God --- through you, with you, in Oneness with you ---brings to you those experiences which you have asked for. Instead of the above question, let's start out by asking what do you consider a "bad" thing? This is the first question I want you to examine, because everyone has a different definition of what they consider "bad" based on their own specific experiences and belief system. One person might say that alcoholism is bad, but another person might say that this is not the case if they had an experience where great healing and forgiveness came out of it. So each of us has a different definition of what is "bad." My point here is that we live in a dream world where our perceptions and definitions of things are constantly changing. Everything is just an appearance. This doesn't mean that even though it is an appearance, we accept everything as it is. The appearance changes when we change how we see it. As difficult as it may be, if you see the Love behind the appearance of a murderer or rapist, you are healing many things in you, in the rapist, and in the appearance of the world.


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