I am Therefore I am: January 2013

Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Savior

Do you realize the significance of healing yourself? Not only is this about your peace and joy, it is about the peace and joy for everyone else. For we are One. As one heals, he or she helps to heal the world. You are a savior to the world. Do not think of yourself as anything less.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Nothing You Have To Do Or Acquire

You already have all the joy, peace, abundance, and love you can ever need or want, because this is your inheritance from God. It is just a matter of recognizing this and KNOWING it is true.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Two Options

You need a job and an income, so here are your two options. If you see through eyes of separation, you worry about needing income and you go out and search for a job. This is fear based. If you see through eyes of unity, you realize that all of the abundance of the Father is yours. You first acknowledge and are grateful for that abundance, and you continue to do this, as you know that doing this will create abundance (job and income) in your outer experience. It is Love based, not fear based, as you know that this will be provided. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Give and Receive

This dream world of separation we appear to live in reinforces a false belief that we need to be hoarders and accumulaters, that there are limits to everything and we need to keep all we can. This is the false idea of sacrifice, that if you give away something, you have "lost" it. The Native Americans used to have a ceremony where a member of the tribe would give away all of their possessions, bec...ause that person knew in doing so it would come back to them tenfold. This is how God's Kingdom works. It is one of Unity --- by giving, you are receiving, because you are giving to yourself. Now, I am not telling you to give away all of your possessions, but in terms of financial abundance, the more you tithe, KNOWING that God a source is unlimited, the more you will receive. And this is especially important as you talk about compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and Love. The more you give these, the more you will have these appear in your life. We are not separate from anything. God created us as a part of Himself.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

No Where No Time

What have you chosen as your vehicle to remember who you truly are? A beautiful body, a deformity, large wealth, great athletic ability and fame, a unique talent? Who have you chosen to have a lifelong teaching-student relationship with? A parent, a spouse, a sibling, a child, a close friend, a work partner? You may have thought of several vehicles, and you are only scratching the surface. What about those encounters with people that last a week, a day, or just a moment? When you start looking for God in everything and everyone, you will find Him. There is no where and no time He is not present. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Friday, January 25, 2013


What happens when you take the dam out of the river? The water flows unimpeded. What happens when you release all false beliefs? God flows unimpeded through you. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Seeing Falsely

When you judge your brother or sister, you are seeing him falsely. When you see him falsely, you will see yourself falsely, because your Identity is shared. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Only When ...

Only when you can look at your fear and self judgment with great compassion can you then look at another person with the same compassion, not judging or condemning them for their actions or path.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Where They Are At

Love meets people where they are at. This means to accept them as they are. Love doesn't have expectations or judgments. It doesn't try to control or change someone's choices, even if it feels those choices are wrong. You are Love. Do you meet people where they are at?

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Being a Warrior

Self judgment stands in the way of you seeing who you truly are. Judgment stands in the way of you seeing who that other person truly is. The stronger you judge them, the more you want to use them as a shield from knowing God. For they are One with Him, as are you. It takes a warrior to have the courage to release judgment of all people and situations and to know that you know longer have the illusion of control.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Centered in God

Staying centered in God versus the ego is about your Will and what you set as your intention. It is also about doing what feels good to you. When you are centered in God and doing His Will, there is a lot of joy and peace present. Fear cannot enter. So simply following the peace and joy will keep you from straying off His center. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Friday, January 18, 2013

A Part of You

When you are speaking with someone, be fully present with them, and you will see God reflected in them. This means looking them in the eye and hearing what they have to say without any distractions, even if they are angry with you. Seeing God within someone else means giving them the respect and Love they have earned as your brother or sister, a part of God, a part of you.

I have written a FREE b...ooklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Thursday, January 17, 2013


There is a big difference between executing the plans that God gives to you and creating plans yourself. Under the latter you are not trusting in Him. You are relying on your self to figure out what you need to do. This is a form of control based on fear. If you plan, instead of allowing the River of Life to gently take you where you need to go, you have the illusion that you can control your expe...riences, keeping yourself safe. But safety is only of Him and only by surrendering to Him, by following His guidance and executing His plans for you which only have your highest good, can you release fear.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Joy of Creating

When you are fully engrossed in something and have great joy in it, you lose track of time and you are immersed in what you are doing. This is being present in the Now, in the holy moment, where the illusion of time falls away. This is a space where there is no judgment, only Love, and where you align with the creative power of God, fully feeling the joy of creating.

I have written a FREE booklet... "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Monday, January 14, 2013


It is believed that ambition is a good trait to have. But what is a given with this --- when someone is ambitious, they are thinking about themself. Now, someone might say that a person with no ambition will sit on the couch all day, not hold a job, etc. But is this person also only thinking of themself? God's Kingdom is one of unity. The paradigm of thinking solely about yourself will not work anymore. The better term to use instead of ambition is motivation. Is your motivation for yourself, or is it for the whole, for the One, for God? If it is for the latter, there will be great Love in whatever you are doing. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

What Is Your Prayer?

Jesus was able to perform miracles because he KNEW his Oneness with God, and he KNEW that what he asked for would be granted, as he was asking with pure intent and with the creative power of God. Most people request something of God from an ego perspective, like asking to become rich or famous. These prayers are heard, but an ego prayer is but a faint shadow compared to a heartfelt prayer from your spirit, one based on a surrender of your will and control to God. Also, an ego prayer will not be granted if it interferes with your spirit's higher purpose, which is always a return to Him. Someone might pray to win the lottery, but this is a prayer based on a completely false belief that money will make them happy and will be what they need to take care of their problems. Only His Love can bring you true joy, and in Him, there are no problems. This does not mean that you cannot have great financial abundance that you enjoy. It means that these are only fruits of your spiritual relationship with Him, not something which you put before Him nor become attached to.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Saturday, January 12, 2013


In order to know God's Will for you in a situation or with a person, you must remove judgment of that situation or person. You must use discernment, not judgment. Discernment makes an evaluation while seeing the God within that situation or person. It gives you an unemotional, non judgmental, compassion based view from which you can make a decision. When you judge, you judge from an ego or non God perspective. How do you move into discernment versus judgment? You must first move into compassion. If you can't initially do that for the situation or person, do that for yourself. Have compassion on yourself as if you were in the other person's shoes, and then you will have compassion on them. It is also important to remember that you never have enough info, never have a large enough perspective, to judge a situation or another person's path. That is why you must leave all decisions up to God, and compassion allows you to move into that God space where He can give you the answers.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Who Are You?

Do you not believe that you can walk the world as a God realized individual like Jesus, the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, etc? Jesus told us we would do greater things than he did. To be in the world but not of it is how we are ALL meant to walk the world. You may think that you are not at the level of a God realized person, but this is a false belief --- it is your false beliefs that prevent you fro...m recognizing the Truth of who you already are!

You identify with a "story" you think is you, but it is not who you truly are. It is similar to being a fox and thinking you are a bear. You attach to all of the emotions that arise in you, like anger or guilt, because they are part of your story in which you believe so strongly. Anger arises in God realized individuals, but it quickly passes through them and is given no energy or attachment, because these individuals know that the thoughts/judgments/perceptions/beliefs behind their story are not real. These are from a temporary body in a dream that does not exist, similar to a play you watch on the stage. Don't identify with what is false, and you will be who you are.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

You Are What ....

You are what you eat. You are what you say. You are what you think. You can be a clear vessel for Him to the extent that these things are not clogging the vessel. When you eat junk food or a lot of sugar or drink a lot of alcohol, that clogs your vessel. When you say hurtful words, especially speak things that are not true on purpose, when you are trying to demean someone else or have power over t...hem with your words, that clogs your vessel. When you think negative thoughts, when you think hateful thoughts, jealousy, resentment, irritation, pride, or self pity, when you think that you are not lovable or capable or One with Him, that clogs your Divine vessel. Of course, you cannot really shut Him out, because you are One with Him, but you can BELIEVE you have shut Him out, and that prevents you from feeling His Presence. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Wednesday, January 09, 2013


If your thoughts are not consistent with your actions, the effects of your actions will be greatly reduced or eliminated, and you will have internal distress from this inconsistency. For instance, if you are kind to someone but you actually harbor ill will to them and judge them, not only are you not being authentic, but your kindness is totally negated. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Reflected in You

How do we see something? By light reflecting from it. How does God know Himself? By seeing His reflection in you!

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.

Monday, January 07, 2013

What Does Forgiveness Do?

If you cannot find motivation in forgiveness to benefit the other person, then find the motivation to forgive in order to release yourself. When you don't forgive, you believe that you are punishing the other person and that you are the jailer who keeps them in prison. But that is false. By not forgiving, you act as your own jailer. Your peace and joy have to be your motivation. Not forgiving some...one gives you a false peace and joy, a falsity that you give justfication to by "making them suffer for their words or actions." Forgiveness brings you true peace and joy, God's peace and joy. This is a complete release which frees you.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Sunday, January 06, 2013

The Highest Form ...

The highest form of a relationship is one where both people know that God meets all of their needs. Unfortunately, most relationships are based on one or both people looking to fulfill something which they believe is lacking within themselves, and this is almost always at an unconscious level. A relationship can be romantic, friend, employer, etc. You come together in these relationships to have those areas and false beliefs you have about yourself not being whole mirrored back to you through the dynamics of the relationship. 

So when the relationship brings up friction, don't run, as this is what you have chosen at a spirit level for healing in order to come back to a remembrance of God. If you allow the false beliefs to be exposed to the Light and you get past the anger and hurt, you see the God within that other person and the gift they have been giving to you. This is God meeting God. Then your relationship is very holy and one of great joy and authenticity, because you don't place any expectations or unconscious burdens on the other person to meet your needs.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Saturday, January 05, 2013

Compassion Versus Judgment

Where there is compassion, there is no judgment. Where there is self compassion, there is no self judgment. Compassion is gentle. Judgment is harsh. Compassion eliminates the need to understand or have questions answered regarding a situation, an experience, yours or another person's actions, etc. Compassion gives its own answers, seeing past the false, seeing past the appearance or outer action, to the God within everyone and everything. If you truly want to know God's Will for you in a situation or with another person, apply compassion to that situation or that person. Why is compassion so important? Because that is where your peace and joy lie. You will never find them through judgment.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Friday, January 04, 2013


In everything and everyone we encounter, without interruption, God gives us signals which show us what we need to do to move closer to Him. This encompasses what we need to do in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas. There are times when we go through difficult periods but we are able to see the ups and downs from a larger perspective of our full journey, and we know that he difficult period that we are in is temporary. As we learn to be aware of the signs He give us and we follow these with joy, even if we don't understand them, our life moves with great ease, the difficult periods become fewer, and the most amazing doors open to us. But when we are in a difficult period and unable to see this hard period from this larger perspective, we may have ignored and resisted the signs and paths He has presented to us. If we have resisted them, the signs become stronger --- He does not want you to go through a personal disaster for you to hear Him, but often this becomes the only way that He can get your attention. It is never too late. We can always move on the path that He has illumined, although it may initially seem like a scary choice. He will always provide the answers and the help. Life is meant to be easy and joyful --- we are the ones that make it difficult. 

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Thursday, January 03, 2013


Are you tired of conflict? Do you think that all the problems are created by the other person? Conflict is always a two way street, because if one person does not engage in the conflict, there is none.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Be Who You Are

When we love, we represent G.I.A. --- God in Action. It is easy to be who you are, which is Love. It takes a lot of energy and effort to be something you are not. All of the games, agendas, control, expectations, judgment, fear --- this is not who you are or who you want to be. Those who use or stay in these do so out of fear of being Love, but only Love brings you God's joy and peace. Only Love s...hown to "others" brings you to a remembrance of your Love for Him.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.


Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Your Resolution

If you want to make a resolution to change something in your life, decide to always cherish those moments with your loved ones, for that is all that is Real. Your television shows, the news, and your email can all wait. These are things of the world; these are appearances. They are temporary. Only Love is Real, only Love is permanent.

I have written a FREE booklet "Thirteen Steps to Move From Victim Consciousness to God Consciousness --- Healing Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse." This is a very powerful booklet which can change your life and the lives of those you love. Please forward the link to others as God wants this help to be available to as many people as possible. Thanks and God bless.



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