I am Therefore I am: August 2014

Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Give The Ego An Inch

Give the ego an inch, and it will take a mile. You have let your mid run rampant with resentment and bitterness, thoughts of what MIGHT happen, thoughts of fear, of victimhood, etc. How can God help you if you don't turn towards Him when these thoughts arise? Is He not the answer to every problem --- to every perceived problem. You must practice some spiritual discipline. You can't stop that initial thought from coming into your head, but you certainly can walk away from the fire instead of adding gas to it. Witness how one thought leads to another, down a nasty trail. When a thought that is not of Him --- basically any thought which is fear based and related to the past or future --- comes into your head (which happens 100% of the time for the vast majority of people), turn your focus immediately to Him.The more you practice doing this, the easier it will become. Eventually, His thoughts will be the ones which are predominant and you will live from great joy and peace.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Saturday, August 30, 2014

True Understanding

True understanding only comes through non judgment. When judgment is absent, Unity is seen and experienced. In order to see with vision of non judgment, you must first start with yourself, and this means clearing out all of the false beliefs you have.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Friday, August 29, 2014

The "Right" Path

Your path back to God is "right" for you. The next person's path is different but "right" for them. We can't be on the wrong path, and everyone is on a path. Since everything is God, there is nothing outside the path. Does this broaden your definition of "right"?

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Expressing Through All --- Is All

The human race has always viewed its systems and organizations through the eyes of separation. This is true across the board for political, economic, religious, and even humanitarian systems. God is seen as separate from all systems, even within religions which see God in Heaven, separate from Earth. The world will not heal until God is seen expressing through all systems and all Life.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Give To Yourself

You cannot give something unless you first have it to give. You must have forgiveness in order to give it. You must have Love in order to give it. In the Kingdom that which you have is what you are, so in the above, you are Love and forgiveness. Because we are One, you do not "lose" something by giving it. You actually increase it because you are giving back to yourself.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Your Past

You make the mistake of believing that you are the way you are because of what happened to you in the past. It is as if there can be no change in you because the cause (what happened) is past, and you are the effect (the result) in the present. But time is not fixed --- science has shown us this. When you make a change in the present, in the Now, you are creating the only cause and effect that exists. There is no "past" that binds you. The present moment is all there is and it holds all miracles, all possibilities. God can only be found in the Now.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Monday, August 25, 2014

What You Control

No matter how badly you want to do it, you can't control what someone else does. You can only control your reaction to it. It is your choice whether to live in peace or fear. Because when we try to control people, situations, or outcomes, it is always coming from a place of fear. This fear stems from an unhealthy belief system around our relationship with God, that He is a punishing God. When we know that we are Love, that we are One with Him, that He has our highest good, then we can accept the circumstances in our life, knowing that they are part of a bigger plan that we cannot see from our limited perspective. And we can accept and love others as they are, seeing them as ourselves because we are One. We may not agree or like their actions or words, and their choices may mean that we discern that they don't need to be part of our lives, but we don't judge them and we honor their right to lead their life as they choose, knowing that God has them. By honoring their choices and divinity, we affirm our divinity.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

With What Measure Ye Mete

When Jesus said "with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again," he was not talking about being punished. This is how the body of God and its laws operate. Because we are One, that which is done by you is done to you. This includes your thoughts, words, and actions. If you say an unkind word, or cheat, or lie, at some point the same will come back to you. If you treat everyone with respect and say a kind word to everyone you encounter, and you take actions which benefit others, the same will come back to you. This coming back, like a boomerang, rarely happens immediately and by the same person, so many do not understand the law, because they do not see the correlation. If someone does understand the law, they would realize how important it is to try and be pure in their thoughts, words, and actions.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

We Have Forgotten

We have forgotten. We have forgotten that we live and have our Being in Him and what that truly means. We have forgotten that we are not the roles we play, that we are only actors in a dream. We have forgotten that His Love created and sustains us. But it is never too late to make a different choice. It is never too late to turn our face back to Him, for this is the answer to all of yours and the world's problems. The Kingdom is within us, and only by recognizing that can we create a different world. Each of us must individually make this choice so that collectively, as the One, we create Heaven on Earth.

Do not place any idols before Him. What is that you are attached to --- a relationship, a career, prestige, money, material goods, food, medicators like drugs and alcohol--- what is it that you place before Him? For we all try to use idols or trinkets of the world to fill the hole of longing we have for Him. The farther we perceive that we move from Him, the greater the longing and the more we try to fill that hole.

Time is running short, and everyone is being pushed to make a choice. This decision cannot be made from the mind --- one where you go back to the same ways the next hour. It has to be a commitment, a remembrance, a longing from the whole of your Being. If I could do this for you, I would, but this is something you can only do for yourself. Do not turn your face away from Him again on a fruitless search. He waits for you. He desires you as much as you desire Him.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Friday, August 22, 2014

Pointing To God

Everyone and everything can point the way to God for you because everyone and everything is God. Everyone you encounter can be a savior to you if you see them with the proper vision, one of Unity. By remembering their divinity, you remember yours.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

No Past

If you live for one day, one hour, even one moment, as if you have no past, you will be transformed. You will know the Truth of your Being. Your experiences are not who you are, but most people have defined themselves by their past --- their family dynamic, what their parents told them and they accepted, how they have been treated by others, what their education is, etc. You are none of these things. You live and have your Being in God. This is what eternal. Only the present moment exists. Your "past" is part of a dream from which it is time to awaken.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Jesus Became The Christ

Jesus became the Christ, became Love, through his recognition that he was completely One with the Father. The Father, as Love, is the trunk of the tree. Many branches have spread from the tree. As the branches return to the tree, they return through Love. As we return to the Father, we come through the Christ, who is Love. The branches that are far from the tree may have gone in many directions, and they may not be healthy because they are so far from the trunk, but they are still connected to the tree. Remember, all that exists is this tree. All that exists is God. But every branch, in order to come back to the trunk, must come back through Love.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Monday, August 18, 2014

Only Love Exists

We were created by Him, from Him, out of Love. So that this Love relationship is authentic and given freely from us to Him, we were given free Will to love Him or reject Him. Parts of the One have rejected Him, but this is a process of coming back in our recognition to that which we never left. As we desire to align our Will with His, as we see that only His Will exists, we come back in our recognition and remembrance, as Jesus did. In the end all parts of the One will return for the call of Love is greater than anything else. Only Love exists.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Sunday, August 17, 2014

What To Pray For

God cannot answer prayers which have no meaning, for He cannot recognize something unlike Him. He cannot recognize illusion. So if you pray to win the lottery, you are praying from fear and from a lack of abundance, which are purely ego prayers and which do not exist in the Kingdom of God. Pray that His Will for you be done. Pray that you surrender to Him as He knows your highest good. Pray that you come to know that you are Love and eternally One with Him. Pray that you recognize that He does, and will continue, to take care of all of your needs.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Living In Truth

This world has become characterized by an absence of Truth. Individuals have turned their face so far away from God, from their Oneness, that they think Truth doesn't matter. Truth is who you are! If you don't live in Truth, you deny who you are. But we can only go so far from the center, individually and collectively, before we snap back like a rubber band. We are approaching that snap back point. It goes farther than telling the Truth to yourself and others, although this is critical. If you don't take personal responsibility for your actions, your words, and even your thoughts, you have no grounding in reality, and this means that you will continue to do more of the same. Your power comes from your living in Truth. Do not give your power to those who don't live in Truth, which is many of the "leaders" of this world. When you live in Truth, more Truth will come to you. Others who live the same way will come into your life, and it will be a God filled life, full of abundance, joy, peace, and His Love.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Friday, August 15, 2014

What You Are Made Of

You are good enough as is. You were created as part of God. Do you think any unholiness, any ungodliness, could be created from Him? You can believe that you have a dirty or sinful covering, but this does not change the Truth of who you are.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

What Do You Want To See?

What you want to see is what you will see. If you want to see forgiveness and Love, you will see this in the world as God's Kingdom will be reflected back to you in all of its gentleness, wonder, and sparkle. If you want to see hatred and separation in the world, this is what you will see. The choice is very simple --- you have the power to determine what you see. YOU must take responsibility for what you see instead of projecting what is false on to others and the world. When you do this as one individualized part of God, you help everyone else to recognize the choice they need to make in how they see the world. We are saviors to each other. Do not think of yourself as anything less for when you do, you think less of God.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Definition Of Perfection

How can you define anything as perfect? Everyone has their own definition of perfection, thus there is no absolute. Would you define a piece of art as perfect? Jesus was very loving, but he could have always been even more loving. We can always be smarter, more kind --- where does perfection end? Perfection can only be defined as a complete absence. It is the complete absence of fear, guilt, and self judgment. This is an absolute. It is an end. It is the full remembrance and recognition of your Oneness with Him.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How Would You Spend It?

If you only had a short time to live, how would you spend it? Would you spend it with your loved ones? These relationships are all that is real in the world. The encounters between God and in God are written as a permanent record of Love. Love is the only thing you take from this dream into Heaven.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Pain Versus Suffering

Pain may occur at times, but suffering is optional. God's Will for you is complete joy. We suffer when we resist what IS. If we let go and allow the River of Life to take us where we need to go, which sometimes involves pain, grief, and anger, then we can move through these states much easier and quicker. We suffer when we fight or run from what arises in us to be healed. This blocks the energy from expressing up and out of us. The blocked energy then makes us miserable as many try to medicate it away, which is impossible and only exacerbates the problem. We are all on a path back to God, and we only need to trust in Him that He has our highest good and that there is joy and peace, and His Presence, on the other side of the pain.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Opportunities Of Love

Sometimes it feels like God has abandoned us or is punishing us if we are going through a trial or something we don't want to deal with. This is when a higher perspective is very important. God has only our highest good. He wants only for you to move closer to Him and remember the Love that you are. In order to do that, we have to shed false beliefs we have about ourselves and Him. Using terminology of trials or hardships is not the best. They can better be classified as opportunities of Love. When we see them from this perspective, we are able to understand what it is that He is asking us to do, and we are able to move through the "trial" in a much quicker fashion because we no longer resist it.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Saturday, August 09, 2014

The Answers

When you think you know the answers, that is when God cannot get in to give you the answers. We judge everything --- people, experiences, ourselves --- because we think we understand them and have enough info to make a judgment. This is typical ego thinking. But we are looking at things from a very limited perspective, a small slice or snapshot. We do not have God's perspective which sees ALL. We also do not see through His vision of everything as Love and as One, a part of Himself. So we take pride and comfort in our judgments, but this only takes us away from Him and Truth. When you admit that you truly don't understand anything, that creates the opening for Truth to enter. Then you can KNOW the Truth of your Being, and you can feel the peace and joy that comes with that, His peace and joy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Friday, August 08, 2014

Witness Your Anger

Notice the next time you get angry. Do you become angry because it arises naturally or because you have a thought about a situation or person that makes you angry. The latter is not real. Thoughts cannot lead to true emotions. If a thought leads to anger, you might call this ego anger, because it is your ego and its strategies, its looking for grievances, that create this "anger" in you. You then BELIEVE you are angry, but you are really not. Watch this dynamic happening inside of you. Witness how and when your emotions are preceded and created by a thought.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Witness Your Anger

Notice the next time you get angry. Do you become angry because it arises naturally or because you have a thought about a situation or person that makes you angry. The latter is not real. Thoughts cannot lead to true emotions. If a thought leads to anger, you might call this ego anger, because it is your ego and its strategies, its looking for grievances, that create this "anger" in you. You then BELIEVE you are angry, but you are really not. Watch this dynamic happening inside of you. Witness how and when your emotions are preceded and created by a thought.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Thursday, August 07, 2014

Every Encounter

There are no minor or random encounters. Every relationship, even those very fleeting, is important if you recognize The Unity contained within All. Every encounter is the One awakening to Itself. Every encounter is holy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Every Encounter

There are no minor or random encounters. Every relationship, even those very fleeting, is important if you recognize The Unity contained within All. Every encounter is the One awakening to Itself. Every encounter is holy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Every Encounter

There are no minor or random encounters. Every relationship, even those very fleeting, is important if you recognize The Unity contained within All. Every encounter is the One awakening to Itself. Every encounter is holy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Every Encounter

There are no minor or random encounters. Every relationship, even those very fleeting, is important if you recognize The Unity contained within All. Every encounter is the One awakening to Itself. Every encounter is holy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Every Encounter

There are no minor or random encounters. Every relationship, even those very fleeting, is important if you recognize The Unity contained within All. Every encounter is the One awakening to Itself. Every encounter is holy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Every Encounter

There are no minor or random encounters. Every relationship, even those very fleeting, is important if you recognize The Unity contained within All. Every encounter is the One awakening to Itself. Every encounter is holy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Love Never Condemns The Person

You can be angry at someone's act without being angry at the person. Jesus was angry at what the moneychangers were doing, not at the individuals, because he saw them as part of himself, as we are all One. Love can condemn an act, not a person. Love discerns that certain actions are not appropriate for the whole, but this does not mean judgment of the person as being apart from God and Unity, as this is impossible.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Tuesday, August 05, 2014

You Are An Example

You are a teacher, a demonstrator. You demonstrate and teach what you believe. Not only are you an obvious example to someone like a child, you are an example to yourself. You teach and reinforce what you believe through the demonstration of your words and actions. You demonstrate judgment or Unity. You demonstrate Love or illusion. You demonstrate Heaven or hell. If you want to change your life, change what you believe, and you first do this through what you demonstrate and the example you set --- to others, for others, for yourself. Each of us is a teacher to ourselves and to others. If you can't yet believe it, fake it in all of your interactions and words. You aren't really faking it --- you are just finding what was always there but hidden. You are watering a seed that has been dormant for a long time.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Monday, August 04, 2014

Unity Of All

The human race has always viewed its systems and organizations through the eyes of separation. This is true across the board for political, economic, religious, and even humanitarian systems. God is seen as separate from all systems, even within religions which see God in Heaven, separate from Earth. The world will not heal until God is seen expressing through all systems and all Life.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Sunday, August 03, 2014

God Relationships

The highest form of a relationship is one where both people know that God meets all of their needs. Unfortunately most relationships are based on one or both people looking to the other person to fulfill something which they believe is lacking within themselves, and this is almost always at an unconscious level. A relationship can be romantic, friend, employer, etc. You come together in these relationships to have those areas and false beliefs you have about yourself not being whole mirrored back to you through the dynamics of the relationship. So when the relationship brings up friction, don't run, as this is what you have chosen at a spirit level for healing in order to come back to God. If you allow the false beliefs to be exposed to the Light and you get past the anger and hurt, you see the God within that other person and the gift they have been giving to you. This is God meeting God. Then your relationship is very holy and one of great joy and authenticity, because you don't place any expectations or unconscious burdens on the other person to meet your needs.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Saturday, August 02, 2014

Forgive The World

When you attempt to find meaning in this world, you will find dead end after dead end. You can fool yourself for a while, especially if you are young and you have something to "look forward to", but eventually the depression and despondency will set in. You are looking for meaning in something that cannot give meaning. Forgive the world for your error and turn to God and His Love, the only Source that can give meaning to your life and fulfill what you really desire. This does not mean that you go live in a cave and can't enjoy the things of the world, for you can only change the world if you are in it, but it does mean that you put nothing of the world above God.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.


Friday, August 01, 2014

God Needs You

God needs you. He needs your Love, not sometimes, but all the time. And you desire His Love and Communion, not sometimes, but all of the time, for all eternity. You can deny this Love relationship by covering up who you truly are and by being invested in the world, but you can't change Truth and what you long for, nor can you change your relationship to Him. He is closer than your breath because you live and have your being in Him.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.



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