I am Therefore I am: October 2015

Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

God Is Changeless

God does not change. He is Changeless. How we have viewed Him, and what we were capable of understanding about Him, has changed. So in the Old Testament, He is a God of justice, because this is what was needed to draw people away from idol worship to worship of the One God. But as Jesus told us, He is Love. This is not a human parental love that is conditional. It is an unconditional Love --- Love that has no conditions and which does not include judgment or punishment.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Friday, October 30, 2015

Living Outside Yourself

You are not defined by what you have done or not done in the past, nor are you defined by the expectations you place on yourself for who you should be in the future. We live "outside" ourselves, outside our true Identity, outside the present moment. When we are tied to the past with guilt, regret, or self judgment, we are not in the Now. And when we limit ourselves through "shoulds" of what we expect ourselves to be in the future, we are not in the Now. When we live "outside" ourselves, we do not express or have our Being in God. We are defined by Him --- this is our true Identity, not the limiting beliefs and judgments we have around ourselves. And when we live in our true Identity, we live in the Now, because we are One with God, and He can only be found in the Now.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Thursday, October 29, 2015

How To Know Him

What if you did not have a past? What if you did not have expectations about the future? Who would you be? How would you feel? Each of us has a different "past." It defines us, but it also limits us, as we see the world through the experiences we have had. So you may say that you cannot get away from your past. But your past is "gone" --- you have already gotten away from it. The only thing that remains from your past are the beliefs that were created from the experiences. The "future" has not happened yet, but you have expectations --- beliefs --- about what it will be like. Whether it is related to your past, or your future, you can drop those beliefs. There does not have to be anything that limits you. Just as He is unlimited, you are unlimited, for you are a part of Him. When you drop what limits you, you come to KNOW Him.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

What Judgment Does

Self judgment stands in the way of you seeing who you truly are. Judgment stands in the way of you seeeing who that other person is. The stronger you judge them, the more you want to use them as a shield from knowing God. For they are One with Him, as are you. It takes a warrior to have the courage to release judgment of all people and situations and to know that you no longer have the illusion of control.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Unknowing Space

Do you notice how when you view a situation or an encounter with someone, you want to make it clear cut what happened? You want to see everything in black and white, because this helps you to understand it and to feel safe. But in this illusory world, everything is gray. Nothing is clear cut. We can view the situation from innumerable perspectives and angles, depending on the premise we start with. Stay in that open space of not knowing, and this leads to God. God is infinite. To know that expansiveness, you can't put things into a box because this is limiting.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Monday, October 26, 2015


When Jesus said do not judge, he was not admonishing you to not judge. What he was saying was that if we see with the vision of Oneness, there will be no judgment present. This is Heaven, this is the joy of God, this is enlightenment.

We don't want to judge ourselves for having judgment, because we are still in the same illusory gerbil wheel. What we must do is recognize that judgment is not of God, for He is Love, and judgment is impossible when we recognize ourself as that Love. Will you get this in a day? Not likely, but this is what you are working towards. The more often you witness how much you judge, including yourself and others, the quicker you can reach a state of non judgment. When you judge, give it over to God and the Light and ask that it be transformed.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Sunday, October 25, 2015


You do not go to a "better" place when you die. Your better place is here right now. Heaven is not a location in the clouds or away from you. Heaven is within you. It is your state of consciousness and remembrance. This was what Jesus taught although few understood because few truly understand what Oneness means.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Saturday, October 24, 2015


When we talk about prosperity, having material goods is lowest on the list. Prosperity is an attitude of abundance that encompasses our health, our mental state, our emotional maturity, and most of all our relationships with others and especially our relationship with Him.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Friday, October 23, 2015

What Makes It Change?

What is it that finally turns you away from the anger, the judgment, the control, the resentment, the greed, the fear, the bitterness? IT DOESN'T MAKE YOU HAPPY! You may beat your head against the wall thousands of times to learn this lesson, but you will get it --- or you can continue to live in hell.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Thursday, October 22, 2015

What Is God?

God is not just your Creator. God is your Life. He is your very Being. He is closer than your breath. He is every thought you have ever had, every emotion you have felt, every joy, every regret, every laugh, every judgment. He experiences everything you experience, even though there are things not of Him like fear and judgment. You cannot speak of your Self without speaking of Him. You cannot define your Self other than saying you are Love.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What Is Of Him AND You

Each of us identifies ourselves using "I." We say "I am angry," or "I am going to the store." "I am smart," and "I don't like what you are doing to ME." When we continue to identify ourselves this way, when we continually reinforce it, no wonder that we believe that we are separate from Him. And no wonder why many people believe that He is sitting in a faraway place called Heaven. And no wonder why many people assign Him the same qualities as we perceive in ourselves, like judgment, anger, conditional love. He is not that, and neither are you. You may perceive that, and this makes you believe it, but perception is an appearance, not Truth. Do not believe this about yourself or Him. You are not separate --- you are One with Him. And you are One with everything and everyone. You are not limited by time and space --- these are human ego constructs. They are not of Him nor of you.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Such Is The Power Of Love

Such is the power of Love. Such is the power of Love that it washes away all your perceived sins. Such is the power of Love that you are silent in its Presence. Such is the power of Love that you surrender fully to it. Such is the power of Love that you weep in gratitude for it. Such is the power of Love that it brings about a full remembrance of who you are. Such is the power of Love that you have no need of anything else. Such is the power of Love that, like a moth to the light, you come back to your Beloved in holy matrimony.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Monday, October 19, 2015

We Are Saviors To Each Other

What you want to see is what you will see. If you want to see forgiveness and Love, you will see this in the world as God's Kingdom will be reflected back to you in all of its gentleness, wonder, and sparkle. If you want to see hatred and separation in the world, this is what you will see. The choice is very simple --- you have the power to determine what you see. YOU must take responsibility for what you see instead of projecting what is false on to others and the world. When you do this as one individualized part of God, you help everyone else to recognize the choice they need to make in how they see the world. We are saviors to each other. Do not think of yourself as anything less for when you do, you think less of God.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Simplest Acts

When you are walking down a road and see a caterpillar that is trying to cross the road, do you pick it up and take it to the base of a tree so it doesn't get run over by a car? If you prevent that caterpillar from getting smashed, you have given it the opportunity to become a butterfly. Not only have you blessed that part of God, but you have blessed yourself through your act, you have blessed God by affirming all Creation, and you have blessed a huge number of people who will see the beauty of that butterfly. When they feel blessed by seeing that butterfly, they will bless others with a smile or kind word (one of those people could be you), and those people will bless many others with the same. Our simple acts come full circle and can change the world. Love and Creation are not complicated.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Don't Be Rigid

On the continuum that is Life, that is God, everything blends to grey. There is no black and white, no distinctions. This is why you should never be fixed in how you view things. The more fixed you are in your beliefs, the less that God can get in to "enlighten" you. What happens when the Light hits a rigid vessel --- it shatters it.

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Friday, October 16, 2015

Seeing Differences But Not Believing In Them

You go through life, appearing as a body which has unique experiences. In the ocean waves rise and fall and the water transitions into different colors. We identify these features, but we still call it the ocean. We see the unique experiences that we and others have, but why do we not see it all as the body of God? Appreciate the richness in differences but see the underlying unity of ALL.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Forgive Yourself Your "Sins"

If you judge, you are responsible for how the world looks. We are One. What you do to another is done to yourself. The great falsehood is that we are separate and we can project judgment on to another without it having an effect on us. The appearance of the world consists of the collective judgment that each of us individually projects on to others, on to situations, etc. So if you don't like the appearance of the world, stop judging it and forgive it. How do you stop judging? You must first learn that all judgment is a projection of self judgment. You must have great compassion on yourself. You must forgive yourself for your "sins."

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Affirmations are only useful if you truly feel them in you body at the same time you say them. If you say an affirmation that you live in joy and gratitude, a feeling of well being and gratitude should rise up in you energetically. One affirmation felt in the body and the heart will be infinitely more powerful than the same one said thousands of time in your head in a rote manner.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How Do You Change Something About Yourself?

How do you change something that you don't like? Let's say you get jealous easily. When you condemn yourself for being jealous and you try not to be jealous, you are only giving the jealousy more power by fighting against it. But what if you just witness and sit with your jealousy? It may not feel good, but you are not running from it nor giving it power. You are bringing it to the present moment where God exists. You are being okay with it and with yourself. And in doing this, you transform it.

Growing your Self requires a strong willingness to simply look at yourself without judgment and a desire to do what is necessary to make the change. Most people aren't willing to do this because they have a belief it requires a lot of pain or that God will condemn them for this "sin" if He were to know about it. Well, He already knows about it and He doesn't see it as a sin, because He only sees Love. It is your own false beliefs and fear that prevent you from experiencing the joy, peace, and Love of the Kingdom. There is nothing outside of you that stops you from experiencing Heaven on Earth.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Monday, October 12, 2015

What Do You Have ...?

What do you have when you have complete Unity? You have the absence of any differences. There are no differences. What is fear, what is judgment, what is evil? They all stem from seeing differences or categorizations. They are not possible. It is possible for you and everyone else to believe in them, which creates the appearance of them, but it is just that, an appearance. With Unity none of that exists. That is what is Real.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Why Don't We See Love Everywhere?

Love overcomes all. It doesn't overcome by force as it is ALL that exists. Why would it attack Itself? When illusion is brought to Love, it disappears. The only reason you don't see Love everywhere is you believe something other than Love can exist. When you give the power of your belief to something, you create an appearance that it exists, and then your eyes see this appearance and this gives "evidence," false evidence to your belief. But this doesn't mean that it actually exists. Love is all that exists. If you have a hard time seeing only Love, as is the case for the vast majority, this is because you are unable to see yourself as Love. So this points back to the false beliefs you hold. Know thyself.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

What Is The Only Thing Fully In Your Power?

What is the only thing completely in your power? To love. To be Love --- to God, to each other, and to yourself (all are one and the same). For that is what you are, for that is ALL that exists. You can fool yourself and think you are something else, and you can act or speak in a manner that appears contrary to Love --- which the whole world appears that way --- but it is just that, an appearance. That knowledge is holy. It opens up the doors of Heaven for you. Your salvation is simply to know that you were created by Love, out of Love, and you cannot be anything other than Love because you are One with Him.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Monday, October 05, 2015

How To Change It

If there is a past experience that bothers you, then think of it differently. Think of how you would like to remember it instead of how you currently do. When you do that, you bring it to the present moment, and in the holy now is where God is. This is where the healing for this experience can occur.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Sunday, October 04, 2015

What Or How?

The world tells you WHAT to think. You must separate yourself from that and learn HOW to think --- how to think on your own, free of other's beliefs, free of dogma, free of the collective and mass consciousness.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Living "Outside" Yourself

You are not defined by what you have done or not done in the past, nor are you defined by the expectations you place on yourself for who you should be in the future. We live "outside" ourselves, outside our true Identity, outside the present moment. When we are tied to the past with guilt, regret, or self judgment, we are not on the Now. And when we limit ourselves through "shoulds" of what we expect ourselves to be in the future, we are not in the Now. When we live "outside" ourselves, we do not express or have our Being in God. We are defined by Him --- this is our true Identity, not the limiting beliefs and judgments we have around ourselves. And when we live in our true Identity, we live in the Now, because we are One with God, and He can only be found in the Now.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Friday, October 02, 2015

God Knows

Many people believe that God either punishes them or withholds something from them. Nothing could be further from the Truth. God is a God of Love. We have already been given the Kingdom --- we just don't realize it due to beliefs we have about ourselves and God. Most people do not know what they need to ask for which would bring them great joy. They think that the trinkets of the world will do this. We think we know what is best for us. Only God knows that.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."

Thursday, October 01, 2015

You Are Only ...

You are only old if you think you are old. You are only fat if you think you are fat. You are only sinful if you think you are sinful. You are only something if you think you are something. Be who YOU are, which is Divine, not who you THINK you are.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."


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