I am Therefore I am: September 2016

Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Like A Waterfall ....

Like a waterfall which cascades joyously to the lowest level, Love, without regard to Itself, seeks out those most in need. Just as the water cleanses all that it encounters, Love loves and cleanses all. It is inclusive and does not discriminate. That is why God does not judge. His Love is not conditional.

Lawrence Doochin

Hey everyone. Please check out this incredible healing and spiritual device called VitalTone that has been used very successfully in commercial centers for several years with fantastic results on sleep, nervous system disorders, health in general, emotional and spiritual openings, etc. This being launched as a home unit on Kickstarter today. With complete transparency, I am very involved in this and own a large share. I struggled whether to mention this on this forum, but VitalTone is a very divinely given and guided technology that will help millions and there is nothing out there remotely similar. So it can be of great help to your friends and loved ones and I felt led to tell you about it. Here is the link https://www.kickstarter.com/…/vitaltone-harmonize-your-body…

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Do You Limit Love?

So you don't love fully because you are afraid of being hurt. This is your way of being in control. This love can be withheld from another person, God, or from even something you have created, like a new business or project, as you may believe that this creation is too good to be true or you don't deserve it.

When you hold back your love from another person, you are not living in the present moment. You are living in the future, saying "what if" that person leaves me or hurts me. So by limiting the love you give, you limit the love you can receive back. You believe that this "limited" love is a more "safe" way, but limited love has another definition --- hell.

If you fully give your love now, you may be hurt, or you may not be --- but you will be living an authentic and joy filled life. IF your love is rejected, you may be hurt and you may experience grief, but your capacity to love will only be increased through this experience.

We are afraid to love God fully because we believe that we have sinned against Him and he will punish us, which is completely false. But He loves us and wants for us to return His Love with eternal patience, for that is why He is Love. And each of us will return to Him and that Love --- of that there is complete certainty.

Lawrence Doochin

Hey everyone. Please check out this incredible healing and spiritual device called VitalTone that has been used very successfully in commercial centers for several years with fantastic results on sleep, nervous system disorders, health in general, emotional and spiritual openings, etc. This being launched as a home unit on Kickstarter today. With complete transparency, I am very involved in this and own a large share. I struggled whether to mention this on this forum, but VitalTone is a very divinely given and guided technology that will help millions and there is nothing out there remotely similar. So it can be of great help to your friends and loved ones and I felt led to tell you about it. Here is the link https://www.kickstarter.com/…/vitaltone-harmonize-your-body…

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Be Patient

God can only awaken you at the pace you can handle. It may seem slow to you, but He can only fill the void left as the ego is gradually released. Patience gives you a strong appreciation and gratitude for the sweetness of His Love.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Monday, September 26, 2016

You Are The Creator ...

You are the author, director, producer, and creator of what happens to you. That is the free will and cocreative power given to you by God. Many people will say that they did not choose a certain experience to happen to them. Of course, these experiences are always "bad," and therein lies the problem. Everything is viewed through a lens of good and bad instead of the God perspective that we are eternal and we have come here to remember our Oneness and Love relationship with Him through our experiences, "good" or "bad."

Everyone around us, from our loved ones to those with whom we have minor encounters, has come into our life through our request to help us remember, and we serve the same for them. We each help the other to remember that we exist in a dream of separation and we need only to awaken from the dream. As Jesus showed, no one can truly "die," nor can we ever be separate from any other part of the One. This doesn't mean that we don't get angry or hurt when someone betrays us or we don't grieve when someone close to us dies. This is our humanness. But we also see these experiences as gifts and blessings for what that person gave to us to help us better see ourselves, for the Love they gave us while in a body on earth, etc. This carrying of a higher perspective and the allowing of these experiences to awaken us is the marrying of our divinity with our humanness, a very holy union that produces a truly authentic being.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Everyone Deserves Your Forgiveness

Everyone deserves your forgiveness. When you say that someone does not deserve your forgiveness, you are saying that you do not deserve forgiveness. For we project what we believe about ourselves on to others and the world.

Forgiveness is the balm through which God's Love becomes manifest in this world of duality. In Heaven there is no need for forgiveness, because there is nothing to forgive --- the appearance of sin is not there. But in this world of shades of gray where it can appear that there is "right" and "wrong," forgiveness shows us that only Unity and God's Love exists and is the opening to bring heaven into this reality.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Love doesn't over come by force. It overcomes by gentleness. It fills the vacuum when everything that is false falls away. Your task to find Love is not to do anything. It is simply to become aware of what blocks your recognition of Love and to release that. What beliefs do you hold about yourself and God that prevent you from seeing what is already there? For there is nothing we have to do, or say, or think to have that Love. We are already that Love. You can be no more separate from that Love than you can be separate from your breath.

Don't think you have to earn God's Love. It is already given to you eternally by virtue of your Creation and Oneness with Him. Is that not amazing and such a huge relief to know that nothing can ever take away His Love and the fact that you are Love?

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Friday, September 23, 2016


How many people in this world assign THEIR anger and judgment to God and use that as justification to hate an individual or group? This is classic projection --- projecting out what you don't like about yourself on to others or to God in a illusory attempt to be free of it. God is not a God of hate. He is not a God of judgment, He is a God of Love. He does not favor one individual or group over another. He is All --- why would He favor one part of Himself over another?

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Forgiveness Is YOUR Joy

God will bring us many opportunities to practice forgiveness because that is one of our purposes here. There will also be that one person who you just don't want to forgive, often a family member or close friend who has hurt or betrayed you. But the hard ones are the ones where you are given the opportunity to take a quantum leap in your understanding and compassion and in your relationship with God.

It is important to recognize that you withhold forgiveness from someone because you want to punish that person. When we reflect on the need to punish, we can see that this belief comes from a larger belief system that God is a punishing God, not a God of Love. And it also comes from a belief that we have sinned and should be punished. For if we see sin in someone else, we see it in ourselves. If we have compassion on another and see their divinity, their Oneness with ourselves and God, we automatically have compassion on ourselves and see our Oneness with this other person and God.

We can see sin, separation, and judgment, or we can see what can better be classified as errors, along with Love, and Oneness. Realize that Love looks past. Realize that forgiveness is about YOUR joy and peace.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The First Thing You Have To Do

Here is the first thing you have to do if you want to turn your will over to His Will and have Him lead you. You have to want to turn your will over to Him, because He cannot force this. You have to want this more than anything. You can't hold on to some decisions by yourself. Do you wake up in the morning and say "Father(or God), what will you have me do today?" Do you ask Him in each moment, for each choice you need to make? If you don't ask, how can you expect to get an answer? Maybe you ask and you don't quite hear the answers yet. But you have to ask first! You will increasingly be able to discern His voice versus yours, but you have to ask in every moment, even for the most minor of decisions. This is called communion with Him.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Monday, September 19, 2016

A Beautiful Cycle

When we are blessed by God, and we know that He is the source of the blessing, we are very grateful, and we want to do His Will, which is spread His Love. As we do this, we receive greater blessings, which makes us even more grateful and wanting to serve Him. This is how Creation works. Through you, Love is ever expanding. Love comes to know Himself, Herself, in an infinite number of ways.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Do You Believe Him?

When Jesus said you would do greater things than him, was he just joshing with us? Making us feel good? Of course not. This is one of the most powerful things he said, because he told you who YOU are. He told you how powerful you are.

Take that in for a moment. He raised someone from the dead. He performed all types of miracles. It is not a fact of being cool that you can perform these things, because that is the ego wanting recognition. It is a matter of understanding that you are much more than a human body. What does it mean to be Divine? What does it mean to be in this world but not of it? What does it mean to be Love? Expand your perspective. Know that you are holy beyond anything you can comprehend. Do not get fooled by appearances or your own limited thinking. Jesus told you in the most clear terms --- not a parable --- so that you would KNOW and there would be no ambiguity.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Are You The Dreamer?

Are you just a figure in a dream or the dreamer of the dream? If you are the former, then everything that happens to you is out of your control. Random events and random people interact with you, coming in and out of your life. If you are the dreamer of the dream, you create your own reality to a large extent. Since we are part of a collective consciousness, we are subjected to the laws and actions of others, but we choose how we deal with those experiences that happen to us --- from a victim or a warrior mode. Coming from a warrior perspective is where true power comes from.

If you recognize you are the dreamer of the dream and that you are part of a larger collective consciousness consisting of all of our individual dreams, you have complete power. If you think everything is random, you have complete powerlessness. In one you have only fear, because anything can occur to you, and in the other you have the certainty and the peace of God.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Friday, September 16, 2016

Your Relationships

It is important to place your relationships above everything else. This includes your relationship with God as well as your relationships with everyone around you. In fact, you can come to know Him through your relationships with others as you learn to see Him reflected in others.

In order to see Him in others, we must stay present in the moment and see past appearances --- someone's words and actions --- even if they have done or said something for which you have a hard time forgiving them. When they have done this, it is actually manna to you, because this provides the "opportunity" to put your Will and desire to know Him into place.

How badly are you willing to come to Him, to know His peace, Love, and joy? Are you willing to know that appearances are not real and to look past the words or actions of another? The "harder" the experience and the hurt/betrayal that you have experienced, the greater the contrast to what is Real and the greater your ability to take a quantum leap toward Him through your forgiveness of that person.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Thursday, September 15, 2016

It Starts With You!

Compassion starts with you. If you can't be compassionate on yourself, you won't be able to be compassionate towards others. Not seeing "sin" within ourselves is hard sometimes, isn't it? But this is what we are called to do. The single most important thing you can do to help the world is take a good look at yourself, your beliefs, what is blocking you from fully loving yourself and knowing your Oneness with God and All that is.

We don't have to do this alone. God is there --- because you live and have your being in Him --- but He cannot help you unless you want to be helped and you are willing to go to the very core of looking at the blocks and defenses you have. We always make it much harder on ourselves than it needs to be. And we always think it will be harder to heal than it really is. But there is nothing you "have to do" --- what an immense relief. You only have to RELEASE what is blocking that which is already there, that which blocks your recognition of your divinity.

He waits for you, because you are His Beloved. Be willing --- be willing to do whatever is required to come back to that Love. Then you will be an endless fountain of compassion for yourself and for others, and that is how we heal the appearance of this world.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Don't Have Regrets

Don't regret any experiences you have had. Even if it looks otherwise, everything serves a purpose. You would not be the person you are and have the spiritual awareness you have without these experiences. It is said that if you cut open a cocoon to let the butterfly out, the butterfly will die. It has to go through the difficult process of breaking through the cocoon to be what it is meant to be. The same is for you.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

If Your Faith Were Complete

Do you believe that God goes before you and makes easy the way? Do you believe that He will take care of your every need and bless you with great abundance? If not, then these things will not happen. It is not God who blocks the path --- we block it. We falsely believe that it has to be hard, that we have to do something, some penance, to earn His Love and for Him to give us the Kingdom. Oh if you only dropped all false beliefs of who you are, the path would become so easy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Monday, September 12, 2016

The Body

The body can be used as a limit or wall to the other parts of God, or it can be used as a blessing. Of itself, the body is neutral, as it is directed by the ego or by a right Mind. If it is used as a wall, it is simply an enclosure in which separation and the ego appear to be confirmed and it is used to accumulate things of the world, to hurt others, etc. --- the body is the vehicle to be "of the world." If the body is used as a blessing, God expresses and works through you, using your hands, eyes, ears, and words to bless others with Love and joy, reigniting remembrance of Him and His Love. When bodies are used for this purpose, they melt away and Oneness is revealed. As a blessing and coming from a right Mind, which is the Mind of God, the body allows us to be "in the world but not of it."

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Thursday, September 08, 2016

Expectations and Vulnerability

When you get angry and have a grievance against someone for not doing or acting the way you want, they feel that unconscious burden of expectations that is being placed on them. Because you are reacting from fear and an illusory view, they often react from the same, trying to cast off those expectations. This is not an authentic interaction. An authentic interaction is one where you get to the root of what is going on and you are able to discuss with the other person why you are acting or reacting in a certain way --- and they are able to do the same. It doesn't mean that immediately changes the way you act or react, but shedding complete Light and honesty as to your motives provides an immense space for God to enter and healing to occur.

This is a world of illusion, and it is exacerbated by all the falsity we are fed through the media and advertising. Come to know thyself by being fully willing to look at your motivations, your defenses, why you do and say the things you do. Be willing to be vulnerable and admit those things to others and they will surprise you and often do the same. Even if they don't, you have created healing for yourself and you have planted a seed in them.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Forgive Those ....

Forgive those who appear in your dream, those who are kind to you but especially those whom you hate. For you are in a dream of your own creation. Like a play on the stage, all of those people play roles for you, roles that you have asked them to play so that you can awaken from the dream and recognize His Kingdom and His Love. How great a gift do they give to you? They are a part of you, helping you to remember that you and them are a part of Him. They will continue to appear to you as people who anger or betray you, people whom you can't forgive, until you begin to realize that this is your dream. Then you will see the folly and silliness of it all, that judgment and self judgment come from an ignorance of who you really are. He will be there laughing with you, and you will have His peace and joy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

In The Present Moment

You cannot know God if you are not present. This means being present with yourself and being present in the Now. When we are present with ourselves, we don't run from ourselves -- we must accept ourselves as we are, all of the emotions such as anger and grief, the insecurities, the fear, the judgment, the guilt, etc. Only by fully feeling our emotions and by accepting what we see as "negative," can we transform these and see who we really are, which is Light, which is Love, which is God. When we accept and don't try to hide or run from them, we stay in the moment. The Now heals them, because God is present only in the Now. The Now dissolves the illusion of time, that there is a "past" and "future." We believe that there is a past, because all of our "negative" emotions and judgments are created from a past. All of these go away in the present moment, for God is there, and when the Presence of God is recognized within you, you are acknowledging your Oneness with Him and ALL that is. You have no problems, no past, no future, when you are in the Now.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Monday, September 05, 2016

They Aren't Even Real

You don't have to renounce the toys and trinkets of the world. You can enjoy them. What you have to do is recognize whether the toys and trinkets serve as your God. When you strive for more material goods, you are striving for something that is not real. This goes for anything in the world. You want it, because you believe these things will make you happy. Thus, you have substituted what can truly make you happy, God, with an endless and fruitless search for something that is not even real.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Sunday, September 04, 2016

Thoughts of Separation

If you will witness your thoughts, you will see, even if you are a very loving or spiritually advanced person, that sometimes you have a thought related to God being a punishing God. This belief may or may not appear in this form. It may be thoughts related to you are not good enough or severe judgments of others, which are judgments you have about yourself and project out. When we believe that we have sinned against God, and this is the central underlying belief carried in this consciousness, we believe that He will punish us. Inherent to this is the belief that we have separated from Him. When you feel self judgment, this arises because you believe you are separate, even though separation is impossible. We are One with Him always, eternally, since the moment of our Creation.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Saturday, September 03, 2016

No Favorites

Love plays no favorites. If it did, it wouldn't be Love. If you think God favors one person or group over another, think otherwise. This is ego and separation thinking. God is One, God is ALL. That means nothing exists outside of God, so God expresses through and is One with everything and everyone. Why would He favor one part of Himself over another? How could He love one part of Himself and not another? Love makes no distinctions. That is why He is a God of Love and not of judgment.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Friday, September 02, 2016

THE Light

Your Light, and especially the Light of those whom you dislike, cannot be extinguished. Is the sun always shining, even when there are dark storm clouds covering it? There may be someone you intensely dislike because they have mistreated you or because they are all ego, but the Light of God shines in them as brightly as it does for everyone else. There is only one Light.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com

Thursday, September 01, 2016


Control the things you can control and give what you can't control to God. The issue lies in determining what you can control. It is highly likely that you think you can control much more than you really can. Because you are not a good judge of what you can and cannot control, the safest route is to assume you can't control anything --- which knocks the ego down a huge amount and creates humiity --- and to give it all to God. You can't be partially pregnant, and you really can't be partially in control of certain things and not of others. Of course, at a level of Spirit, you and God work hand in hand to create what you have asked for in this lifetime, so that is the ultimate control. But how many people walk this earth from the same consciousness that Jesus had. You are working towards that consciousness, but until you get there, assume that you don't know what is in your best interest and you can't control anything and give it all to God. With that surrender comes great peace and joy.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2100 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse." He is available for fee based spiritual and life counseling. Please contact him at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com


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