I am Therefore I am: February 2018

Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Who Determines What Is Fair?

Attack comes from the belief you can be treated unfairly. If you believe you can be treated unfairly, you also believe you can be treated fairly at times. Who is the arbiter of what is fair and not fair?

What you see is fair will be completely different than the next person --- thus there is no absolute. There is no absolute, because what is fair is an ego based system of classification, one where someone always gains and someone always loses --- a belief in sacrifice.

The ego believes that sacrifice is real. Unity shows us that sacrifice does not exist, that what is given to another is given to yourself because we are One. What you give comes back to you exponentially.

That is why it is so important to give Love. When you give Love, it does not deplete the Love you have to give. It increases it because by giving it, you affirm that you have it to give, and you give it to yourself.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

You Are A Rough Diamond

A diamond does not become a diamond without a huge amount of pressure and heat that is created by the earth. Similarly, your process of coming home to God is not without "pressure" and "heat".

There are times on this journey when we are releasing false beliefs, and these times can feel very hard. Even after the diamond is formed, it is still rough. This is when the polishing takes place, and a tremendous amount of friction is needed for that.

So that you can be made into a perfect clarity and brilliant diamond which reflects Light (God) in an infinite fashion, you too must be polished. This polishing is done by other rough diamonds, often someone you are close to. As they polish you, you polish them through the friction of your relationship. Or the polishing can be done by life's experiences. This is all for your highest good, for you to come to a greater awareness that you are One with Him, that you are Love.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Monday, February 26, 2018

What Is Your Problem?

What is your problem? No, I am not being accusatory or judgmental and saying why don't you fix something? Better stated, what is THE problem?

Sure, each person has different "problems" --- no job, no money, bad health, addictions, difficult family circumstances, no significant other --- the list can go on and on. But THE problem underlying them all, the core problem, is the belief that we are separate from God.

When we hold that belief, we don't turn to God, and we don't believe He will help us. So all of your "problems" become magnified and seem very real. Of course, if you don't have a way of producing income or a roof over your head, that is a reality you have to deal with. But if you know that you are not separate, that He will take care of all of your "problems", that He has given you the inheritance to the Kingdom, then you really don't worry about these "problems" because you know He will take care of them if you give them to Him and KNOW that He will provide.

And the magical thing is that He will do this, and these "problems" will clear up quickly. In God all things are possible --- and promised. If your circumstances continue to be difficult, recognize what the true problem is. Be completely willing to search within and uncover those beliefs about God and yourself that no longer serve you and that don't align with Unity and Truth.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth


Sunday, February 25, 2018

Look To The Person Next To You

There are great teachers walking through the world whose outer does not reflect the inner. You would never know by looking at them or even hearing them speak that they are a very clear vessel for God working through them.

They have no need to show off or affirm a false identity as they are completely centered in Him and their Oneness. Their work with those they encounter is done at a very subtle level as their "students" are not aware they are learning, but the benefits are powerful.

Each of us can be this powerful teacher, because each of us has God working through us. You never know who that person is standing next to you in the grocery and how aware you need to be so that you can hear the message God is giving you through them.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Are You A Sin?

The mind that thinks it is a sin sees itself as a body and that body as the source of sin. That is why Jesus was killed; to destroy his body. His accusers and crucifiers falsely believed that they could project their sin on to him, and when his body was destroyed, so was their sin.

If you believe yourself to be sinful, you have cut yourself off from feeling your divinity. How could a God of Love, of perfection, create something from Himself/Herself that was sinful. You can deceive yourself, but you can't change the Truth about yourself.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Friday, February 23, 2018

Can You Live Without Fear?

Is it possible to live life without fear? Its not only possible, its what you must strive for.

When we operate through a fear based perspective, as the vast majority of people do, it is a very unstable foundation. Our fear is "decreased" or "increased" by things of the world --- experiences that "randomly" happen to us or others.

We are living in a prison cell of our own making, always wondering and afraid if the executioner will come to take us away. This is not life; this is the definition of hell, and it is not the life God wants for us.

The only answer to fear is God and His Love, and we can only feel that Love if we know that we have not sinned against Him. We were created from Him and we live and have our being in Him, thus we are not separate from Him, regardless of the false appearance your eyes bring to you every moment. Because we are One with Him, we share His Holiness. Do you realize how holy you are?

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Are You The Will Of God?

The Will of God does not change. It is Love. It is through His Will that you were created out of Love. His Will is All, thus your Will cannot be different from Him.

Because we live in a world of duality, the appearance of choices is available to us. That is where intention comes in. We can set our intention to align with the ego or with God. We have never "left" the Will of God, but it is our choice of intention, our choice for God, which reveals that we have never left.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

You Are Scared Because ...

You are scared because you believe in something that is not real, not who you really are. When you believe in the false, you can't live in your true reality, that of Unity. And you can't feel God's Presence, which is the only cure for fear, for perfect Love casts out fear.

Fear is only upheld by the belief in what is false. When the beliefs are released, the fear goes away because it was never there --- only Love exists.

We are in a game, individually and collectively, to determine how we want to create --- ReCreate --- ourselves in each moment as individual representations of God and collectively as a species. It is ReCreate because we have already been created out of Love by God --- we exist in that moment eternally --- and we are choosing how we want to be Cocreators.

What is it that we want? For this is what God wants to give us. This is not likely to win the lottery as that is what your ego wants. Your spirit wants something far beyond anything of this world, and hopefully you discover this while on this Earth.

God will not interfere with our choices because the power of Creation comes from being able to choose. If we don't like what we are creating, choose again. There are no "good" or "bad" choices as it is all relative. There are only "good" or "bad" choices and thus consequences --- because every choice has a consequence far more powerful they we can "see" ---within what you want to create as the highest version of yourself, and thus the highest version of God, as He/She experiences Himself/Herself through each of us.

In this game we can't get it wrong although we can have some "adverse" circumstances in our human/divine experience. We are only playing the game to have an experience. We can't stop Him from loving us. We can't change our divinity. We can't "die" for we are eternal. We are meeting ourselves to better know ourselves and each other, one and the same, through and as Him, as Love. If we believe in something other than our divine reality (we don't believe in God --- we know Him), then we have placed our trust and faith in a false idol and fear will result.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

You Are The Branch And The Trunk

Jesus became the Christ, became Love, through his recognition that he was completely One with the Father.

The Father, as Love, is the trunk of the tree. Many branches have spread from the tree. As the branches return to the tree, they return through Love. As we return to the Father, we come through the Christ, who is Love.

The branches that are far from the tree may have gone in many directions, and they may not be as healthy because they are so far from the trunk, but they are still connected to the tree. Remember, all that exists is this tree. All that exists is God. Thus you are the branch and the trunk. But every branch, in order to come back to the trunk, must come back through Love.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Monday, February 19, 2018

Recognize What Brings You Joy

Joy does not go away. It is not the excitement that ebbs and flows with the toys and trinkets of the world. That is ego based.

True joy comes from God. True joy comes when we are just who we are, not some false identity that we pretend to be in this false world.

True joy is natural --- it is our birthright. There is nothing we have to do to feel it except stop pretending to be something false. When we are a clear vessel for God, joy arises naturally, because we give selflessly, without taking away from ourself. We are powered by an endless Source, our Creator.

This is what Love does --- it gives of Itself endlessly. It is very simple. Recognize what gives you true joy and then do more of that.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Saturday, February 17, 2018

What You Hide From God

Because you have free Will, God cannot take something from you. You must offer it to Him and ask Him to take it.

This means that you have to acknowledge and bring those things into the Light that you have tried to keep hidden ---- those thoughts you are ashamed of, your fears, your anger at someone, your anger at God, etc.

You fear acknowledging these things as if you are an evil or sinful person for having them, but you are not evil or sinful --- you only THINK you are evil or sinful.

Paradoxically, bringing forth that which you want to hide and are ashamed of is how you transform these things and the only way to know your holiness, to know that you are the Light.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Friday, February 16, 2018

How You Become Happy

Happiness comes when we no longer strive to be happy. It is the striving, the desire to be something or have something different, which blocks your awareness of the natural happiness or joy that has always been there.

For we are part of God --- He expresses through us, and He comes to know Himself/Herself as Love through having our Being in Him. God is perfect .... so we are as well.

What is the definition of perfection? Can a piece of artwork be perfect? We are each beautiful landscapes on the canvas of Life. Our belief that we are not perfect --- as we are --- stems from a misconception of who we are. It is our self judgment which creates a false belief in us that we are not already perfect.

Of course, we can "improve" ourselves by being more kind, more compassionate, more loving, but this does not take away the truth that we are still One with God and All that is, regardless of our words, actions, or thoughts. The paradox is that we can recognize ourselves as perfect while recognizing that we want to be more loving etc. Some people have trouble with the paradox as they want to go to one end or the other with it, but staying in the paradox is how we grow, because our very existence here is a paradox (human/spirit).

Accept who you are ... NOW ... in this moment. And accept others as they are. For when you accept ALL, you are confirming Truth and Unity with God, not illusion. When you judge yourself or others as not good enough, you are saying that God is not good enough. Which one do you want to affirm, because it is a choice between Heaven and hell?

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Why You Are On This Earth

You are put on this Earth to love. Or rather you have chosen to come into this reality to love. for this is how God comes to know Himself, Herself.

We are all reflections of Him, clear vessels through which He works. As we get out of the way, we become more like Him, like our true Self. For He is Love, as are we.

We move and have our Being in Him as we interact in the world from Love. As we meet God and give Love to every person, every animal, every atom, we remember who we are and this brings great joy to us/Him/all Creation.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Are You Being Judged?

Someone else's judgment of you only bothers you because there is a part of you that believes it could be true. When you judge yourself, you are not sure of who you are. When you drop the judgment of yourself, judgment by others will have no effect on you.

God does not judge us except as His most holy child, for we are a part of Him. Why would God judge a part of Himself? As Love, He/She can only love. All else --- judgment, fear, shame, guilt, etc -- are only appearances held up by the power of the belief behind it. When the belief is dropped, all that remains is Love/God/You.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Muddy To Clear

Picture a jar of clear water with a layer of mud at the bottom. This is what you look like before you start your healing journey back to God.

It appears on the surface that everything is clean and okay, but there is that deep layer of muck. What happens on the journey is you become like a blender, and all of the water becomes muddy.

This unhealthy water is the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing that goes on. You cannot stay in this state, just like you cannot drink polluted water for too long.

Love is the filter. Love filters out all of the muck, all of the impurities, leaving a jar that only has clean water in it. Then you have become a clear vessel through which Love can act.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth


Monday, February 12, 2018

Still Small Voice

That small still voice inside of you is actually not that small. That is who you are.

As you listen to that voice more frequently, it becomes larger and more present to you. That loud voice you hear now, your ego, progressively becomes smaller until it becomes as quiet as that small still voice is currently. Then you are residing fully in the peace that passes all understanding.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Guiltless World

The thread that runs through this world is guilt, whether that be in our one on one personal relationships, group or nation dynamics, our structures and organizations we have set up such as courts, police, etc. Think about how often you project, how you blame or judge (this is seeing guilt) someone or something, even if you consider it "minor," even if it is only a thought in your head.

What would a guiltless world look like? It would --- would is not the right word as it is not hypothetical --- it is one of unending beauty and gentleness. This is the Kingdom of Love. This is what exists behind the false appearance we call the world.

When Jesus talked about Heaven on Earth and Heaven within you (one and the same), a guiltless world is what he was referring to. Jesus came here and offered himself in a great act of compassion to show us that we are not guilty, that sin does not exist for we have never separated from God, that we are Love, that we are eternal and "death" has no power over us.

Guilt, fear, and judgment are three legs on the same stool. When you remove one leg, the whole stool falls, revealing what was truly there --- God's Kingdom of Love.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Your Only Certainty

There is a certainty, not a belief, behind who you are. This certainty comes from God --- it is that simple. Beliefs change --- God/You does not.

You are One with Him and He is your identity. Your identity does not come from what your job is, ho much money you have, how smart you are, how you look, where you went to school, etc. Don't look to anything outside of yourself for confirmation of who you are. That is a foundation built on sand, because how much money you have, how you look, what your job is --- those can all change quickly.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Friday, February 09, 2018

Where God Is ...

Where He is present, guilt cannot be. Where He is present, self judgment cannot be. Where He is present, fear cannot be. Since He is One and all that exists, guilt, self judgment, and fear cannot exist.

We think these things exist, but like a mirage, they are only an appearance. Appearances are not real. They only seem real because we give the power of our belief to them, and anything we give the power of our belief to becomes our God.

We experience self judgment, guilt, and fear, but we are not these things. When we realize they have no power over us, we can drop them and live in the glory of God's Kingdom.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth


Thursday, February 08, 2018

Be Cleansed

Fear is nothing more than ignorance of who you really are. It arises when we keep God out.

For when God's Light and the awareness of Truth shines onto your fear, it dissolves. It was based on what was false and what was created in your mind, in your thoughts, which kept you hidden from Him.

Do you fear showing Him and are you ashamed of what you have hidden from Him, or do you fear that you have kept something from Him and He may punish you for that --- or both? Fear creates completely irrational and delusional thinking.

God already knows what you have tried to hide from Him, and there is nothing that would ever stop Him from loving you --- that is why it is called unconditional Love. So surrender your fears, your hidden thoughts and beliefs to Him, and be cleansed in His Love.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth


Wednesday, February 07, 2018

The Will of God

The Will of God does not change. It is Love. It is through His Will that you were created out of Love. His Will is All, thus your Will cannot be different from Him.

Because we live in a world of duality, the appearance of choices is available to us. That is where intention comes in. We can set our intention to align with the ego or with God. We have never "left" the Will of God, but it is our choice of intention, our choice for God, which reveals that we have never left.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

It Isn't Too Good To Be True

You can hear God speaking to you, be in holy communion with Him, every moment. Your beliefs prevent you from experiencing this.

You may believe this is not possible, as God is far away in Heaven or you have to go through an intermediary --- a religious leader who is "closer" to Him --- to connect with God. You may believe you are not worthy --- why would God interact with you on such a close and personal basis --- there is no way you could be so holy. You may believe that God is to be feared, thus you use that as an excuse or rationalize that it is not possible. You may believe that it is just to good to be true, that there can not be an answer to all of yours and the world's problems.

It isn't to good to be true, and it is the answer to all of your "problems." Reach out to Him --- He waits in infinite patience because this is what Love does. Not only do you long for Him because you are Love, He longs for you.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth

Monday, February 05, 2018

Become God's Goo

Most people would not describe a caterpillar as a beautiful creature, but in God, all things are possible.

The caterpillar climbs a tree to go high (raises its God consciousness) before forming a cocoon. To recreate itself, it goes inside itself --- a cocoon gives you a protective barrier to literally recreate yourself. You must do the same to recreate yourself in His image.

The change that the caterpillar makes is literally at a DNA level. It becomes a liquid goo before reforming as a butterfly. Then before the butterfly takes flight, it must build strength by breaking out of the cocoon. This is the strength of your Will in wanting to come back to Him.

When the butterfly breaks through, it is not only beautiful, but it flies with grace, effortlessly. It flies high and low, showing the bond between Heaven and Earth. It also now has antenna which help it navigate the world --- it is in the world but not of it.

And it brings great pleasure to those who encounter it, just as you bring great pleasure, and Light and awakening, to those who encounter you when you have become a new vessel through which He moves and shines.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2300 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth



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