I am Therefore I am: October 2018

Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

What Is Important

Remembering that there is only abundance for you and everyone else in this dream is an important step on the journey, but it is not the end all.

You can be the richest and most prosperous person on the planet, but you will be very empty and depressed if you don't know the Love of God. So you must go past abundance to why you are truly here --- to recognize and remember your relationship and Oneness with Him.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


The good news for you is that sin, evil, judgment, guilt, shame, depression --- all of these are tied to one concept --- separation.

When you release the belief that you have separated from God, all that is false, including all of the just mentioned, dissolve into nothingness.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Monday, October 29, 2018

What Distorts It For You?

You have to have the eyes to see and the ears to hear --- God's eyes and ears. Each of us has a belief system which distorts this.

What we "see" and "hear" is altered or shaped by the prism of our belief system. If we step back from that belief system, then we can begin to truly see what is there.

Humility is borne from the knowing that we cannot understand many things --- we have stepped back from our belief system. Humility then provides the opening for God to reveal Himself to us.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Friday, October 26, 2018

Change How You See ...

If you want to change the world, change how you see the world, and this will make the change you want.

It all originates from your mind as you project your belief system on to what you "see." Withdraw your beliefs from that projection, change what you "see," and you have created a miracle for your Self and for the world.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

We Must Break The Cycle

It is not what you achieve in life that matters, it is how kind you are. It is not what you achieve, it is how loving and compassionate you are. It is not what you achieve, it is how much you recognize your divinity, how much God shines through you as you have gotten YOURSELF out of the way. Recognizing the above is the only way you will experience the fruits of the Kingdom -- Love, peace, and joy.

God does not judge us -- He/She only loves us. But we come to a fuller experience of Him/Her, of ourselves as Him, through an open heart. For we are Love, as is He.

So God does not care what we achieve for there is nothing to achieve. We are already complete and perfect in Him, already holy beyond measure. There is nothing for us to prove through our job, our relationships, our experiences. These only serve as vehicles for our remembrance -- our remembrance that we are Love, that we are already kind and compassionate, regardless of appearances.

For appearances deceive, but Truth remains. The Sun is not altered by the clouds, only temporarily covered up. Our divinity is not altered by our ego covering -- it only appears this is the case and then we forget that we are Divine. And then we think we are not kind and loving, have "bad" thoughts or take "bad" actions, and then we self judge and feel guilty or ashamed. So we must break this cycle and realize who we are. This is our holy task.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Monday, October 22, 2018

Can You Judge?

You judge someone harshly, and often you get more information and see that your judgment was not right. Or you see someone in a good light, and you hear something which tarnishes that view. Do you see how variable this is? Both prove that judgment is not valid in any form.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Flow Of God

When you are in the flow of God, everything is brought to you with grace and ease. You can create anything you want by setting your intention and allowing God to direct where the River takes you.

Like new scenery that comes to you around each bend of a river, on the River of Life you are brought those tools and experiences which you need to reach your destination. Your job is to not fight the River and try to hold on to the rocks or the shore because you are fearful that you are not in control.

The more you allow yourself to float effortlessly, the quicker the flow becomes and the quicker you reach your destination.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Friday, October 19, 2018

Your Holiness

Your holiness is inherent. This can never be taken away from you because it comes from your Oneness with God. This is your inheritance.

You believe you have become less holy (sinful) because of your actions, words, or thoughts, but you are deceiving yourself. Appearances deceive --- Truth remains. God is sinless. Your holiness cannot change because God cannot change.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Thursday, October 18, 2018


Everyone has "bad" moments, bad days, and bad periods on this journey. It is the process of burning off all that is false and impure.

Have compassion for yourself during these periods. Accept where you are. Guilt serves no purpose except to cut you off from God, so if you mistreat someone or do something you regret, don't allow the guilt to seep through you.

That is where the compassion comes in, and you can then use this compassion to help others when they are in difficult times.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

In Christ's Name?

When you pray for something in Christ's name, what does that mean? Christos means Love in Greek. Jesus became the Christ, He became Love, through his remembrance and recognition that he had never left Oneness with God.

You can pray to Jesus, and that will always be effective, but if you pray in Christ's name, you are praying in, within and to Love. When you pray in Christ's name, you are also praying to Jesus, because he is One with Christ, as are you. When you pray in Christ's name, you are reinforcing that which you are --- Love.

If you really want something to happen but you are fearful of it not happening, then you are drawing the fear to you, and it won't happen. To put it another way, you are giving the power of your thought to believing you will not have it happen. It is like giving gas to the car when in reverse instead of drive.

To make something happen, feel the gratitude that it has already happened. In reality, once you think it, it has already happened because time and space are not fixed as we perceive them. Everything is happening in the now, and everything is created by thought, so once you think it, it has truly happened. Gratitude for it already being done is the water and fertilizer that makes the thought seed pop its head above ground and manifest into a seedling.

The above assumes that what you want does not run contrary to what you have chosen at a level of Spirit. For as Spirit, you have chosen to come to this Earth reality to remember and recognize who you are as a part of God. And when you do this, you are given the fruits of the Kingdom --- peace, Love, and joy --- which is all you could ever want.

But this abundance encompasses many earthy needs such as money, fulfilling relationships and jobs, etc. So these are things you need and want, but don't place them above God.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

No Exceptions

There are no exceptions when we speak of God.

Either He is always working with and through you to create what you have chosen, or He is not. Either He always has your highest good, even when circumstances appear to be the complete opposite, or He doesn't.

Either He is All, and you are One with Him, or you are completely separate from Him. Either He is Love, and He loves you unconditionally throughout eternity, regardless of anything you think or do, or He is not Love.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Quickest Way To God

The quickest way to God --- release all self judgment.

The first step in this process is to become aware of your self judgment. For most this self judgment runs underneath the surface like a computer virus.

You have "hidden" these thoughts, because you believe that they would literally kill you if they were revealed, to yourself, and to God. For you think that you have hidden knowledge of your "sins" from God by hiding them from you conscious mind. This is a very tangled web of illusion most people are operating under, but the Light of awareness dissolves these tangled webs immediately.

If we allow ourselves to become aware of our constantly running program of self judgment, this awareness will begin to see it for what it is --- not of God and false. How do we start this? Realize that your judgment of others, individuals or groups, is always a projection of your self judgment. Pull that projection back in, feel the self judgment, and give it to God.

For when we give it to God, we acknowledge that we don't want it any more, that it no longer serves a purpose for us and that it is not who we are as a part of Him.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Only God

You always do what makes you happy. The problem is that most of us do not know what truly makes us happy, so we usually are operating from the ego. It is not what we think makes us happy but that which truly does, and He is all that can make us happy.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Partial Or Full Faith?

There is no randomness in the Universe. You think that there can be partial randomness and partial order, because you live from a perspective of the dream.

In the dream duality exists along with the appearance of choices. So you see degrees, which leads you to the belief there can be some randomness and some order.

But there are no differences. It is all One, and there are no degrees. We would either have total randomness or total order. The former would mean that there is no unifying force --- God would not exist.

Unity equals God equals One Will equals total order and perfection. What does this further tell you? It tells you that God is expressing fully and completely through you and that you can do nothing outside His Will. Similarly, your faith in Him cannot be partial. It can only be total or none.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Friday, October 12, 2018

We Block It

Do you believe that God goes before you and makes easy the way? Do you believe that He will take care of your every need and bless you with great abundance? If not, then these things will not happen.

It is not God who blocks the path --- we block it. We falsely believe that it has to be hard, that we have to do something, some penance, to earn His Love and for Him to give us the Kingdom. Oh if you only dropped all false beliefs of who you are, the path would become so easy.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Now

Science has proven that the past and the future do not exist, that everything exists in the Now. The greater your fear, the greater you identify with a false body and an ego based reality that lives and dies within a fixed time. You are eternal.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

One Hearted

A person or group that tries to exhibit power over another person or group does not know their Oneness, for when you see Oneness, not bodies, you see a reflection of your Self. Why would you try to hurt or gain power over yourself?

Do you see from a one hearted or two hearted perspective?

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Relationships Are Manna

Our relationships are the manna through which we come to know God. They are the primary vehicle in this world through which we see past appearances to the God within --- as we see the God within the other person, we will see God within ourselves.

Too many people flee once the first signs of conflict arise in a relationship, especially in marriage, but they will repeat failed relationships until they become aware of what God is trying to show them. We must stay present in the relationship, even if that means feeling hurt and grief and anger. It is through our staying present and processing our emotions that we grow, because God is Love, and we must be emotionally open to know Him and that Love, to know that we are Love.

Even if your spouse or friend does not remain present and open when conflict arises, this does not hinder your ability to grow from that relationship. In fact, these are your opportunities to learn true forgiveness and to bless that person for what they are giving you in terms of helping you to see who you truly are.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Sunday, October 07, 2018


You are thinking what can't be done or why it is impossible to do something, but you are thinking logically, and logic is of the ego.

Unlimited possibilities are of God. Anything is possible if you dream it.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Saturday, October 06, 2018

Heart Intelligence

Did you know that the heart produces an electromagnetic field that is many time more powerful than the one produced by the brain? We are not thinkers --- we are Lovers!

When we are grateful, it is felt within our body, because it is an energy emitted by your heart. You live in the heart of God. This is your refuge.

All that is good comes from the heart and Love. You can never go wrong by following your heart because this is where true guidance resides. Fear, the past, the future --- these are all products of a consciousness and mind that has been cut off from the heart. Your heart has an innate intelligence that when followed, will bring you the greatest joy and miracles.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Don't Regret

Don't regret any experiences that you have had. Even if it looks otherwise, everything serves a purpose. You would not be the person you are and have the spiritual awareness you have without these experiences.

It is said that if you cut open a cocoon to let the butterfly out, the butterfly will die. It has to go through the difficult process of breaking through the cocoon to be what it is meant to be. The same is for you.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Friday, October 05, 2018

Something False

When you have an emotional reaction to something, like you get really angry, go beneath the surface. There is a progression of beliefs that are behind the reaction. 

It is not a surface belief like "he did this to me" that you want. Keep going and uncover the base belief around this. It will be something, something false, that you believe about yourself and your relationship with God. 

If you never dig deep into these emotional reactions, you will continue having the same reactions to the same situations, and this can be defined as insanity.

Lawrence Doochin

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Feel Your Feelings

How can you let something go if you don't first honor your feelings around it?

If someone has done something which brings up anger in you but you try to rationalize that anger by saying you shouldn't feel that way or that it is not spiritual, not of God, you will not get past that energy. You will continue to hold that energetic pattern within you.

You have to first "feel your feelings" before you can have peace. That doesn't mean you have to stay with the anger or the hurt indefinitely. Every circumstance is different, and you may need to feel the anger or the hurt once, or you may need to feel it many times, depending on how the deep the issue and how traumatic the experience.

Only you will know when you can say to God that you no longer want to feel that emotion and you want to see the situation from a higher perspective. Ultimately, all you want is peace, but peace can't come if you are suppressing emotions that want to come up, be expressed, and be released.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Monday, October 01, 2018

What Becomes Your God?

What ways do you search for God? Do you like to travel to far away places? Do you like to have peak experiences like climbing mountains? Do you look for Him in food or a bottle? Are you obsessive about exercising? Do you look for Him in relationship after relationship?

The world has come up with some pretty interesting and some pretty destructive ways to search for God, to search for only what He can give to you, and to drown the sorrow of not having Him.

But you do have Him. He is inside of you. You never need look outside of your Self.

There is nothing "good" or "bad" with anything of this world --- we can enjoy all of it. The question becomes whether it becomes your God --- is it put in front of Him or used as a defense to keep you away from Him. Don't turn your face from Him any longer.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2370 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf


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