I am Therefore I am: November 2019

Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

How To Forgive

How do we forgive others? First, we practice on ourselves.
Think of something that you have thought of before and for which you have condemned yourself. After you feel that self judgment, ask for God's help so that the counterpart to that judgment, the forgiveness and Love that is contained within you, can come to the surface.

It is inaccurate to say that this forgiveness and Love is contained within you --- it is who you are, but it may feel like only a small part of you. Allow that forgiveness and Love to cleanse the judgment --- there is no conquering, as this is not a contest.

When we place our focus on what we are, the forgiveness and Love, everything false (the judgment) falls away. Remember, this feeling of forgiveness. Your memory and ability to pull it up again is contained in the feeling, not the thought.

The more you work with this and continue to bring it up, the greater the presence will be for you. Eventually, no self judgment will remain.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Friday, November 29, 2019

Only You

There is one special function that God has appointed you in salvation and that only you can complete.
Lawrence Doochin

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Find The Truth Within You

This is a world of great falsity and mistruth. We are so many revolutions and derivations away from God and Truth that most people no longer recognize that truth lives within them. They no longer recognize their relationship with Him, and they turn their face to the falsity and mistruths of the world.

How do you put Light into this darkness? You don't do it by judging others and arguing over things which are so far removed from Truth that they become irrelevant.

Find the Truth within you. In all that you do, conduct your life, your interactions, and your relationships from great honesty and directness. Be completely honest with yourself about your motives and beliefs. By increasing your Light is how you help the world to dispel mistruth and to return to Him. Do your part and the rest will be taken care of.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Extent To Which You Recognize Your Divinity

If you see God as judgmental and punishing (or even withholding favor as that is two sides of the same coin), you will fear Him.

The extent to which you see Him as judgmental and fearful is the extent to which you judge yourself and fear yourself, for if you judge your Self, you cannot know your Self as Love, and fear IS the absence of Love.

Fear is the absence of Love, but Love is all that exists, and God is all that exists (of which you are inseparable), so fear is truly only an appearance that is dissolved when Love is recognized. The extent to which you recognize yourself as Love is the extent to which you will recognize your divinity and Oneness with God and All that is.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Monday, November 25, 2019

Where God Is ...

Where He is present, guilt cannot be. Where He is present, self judgment cannot be. Where He is present, fear cannot be.

Since He is One and all that exists, guilt, self judgment, and fear cannot exist. They only exist in our minds through the power of our beliefs. Drop the beliefs and they go away.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The World Is Chaos

Either everything in this world is insanity and chaos, or God is mad. There can be no exceptions.
If God is Truth and Love, then everything in this world is meaningless, because anything of God, anything of meaning, is Changeless. If even one thought of this world has meaning, then every thought of God is not true and an illusion. If even one thought of God is true, then all thoughts related to this world are false and make no sense at all.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Friday, November 22, 2019


Money is not your Savior, nor is it the root of all evil, but the vast majority of people in Western society treat it one of these ways.

It is a vehicle through which God can bless you, amongst many vehicles. But in order for Him to do this, you can't put it before Him --- you can't make it your God. Nor can you fear it as if it will run out. When you do this, it does run out, because you have created a belief around lack. Each of us is a powerful manifestor, and what we believe, we create.

Remember your Source --- He is your Source, not the vehicles --- the money, the job, the investments --- He blesses you through. The vehicles can and will change, and if you become attached to them and see them as your Source, you may suffer unpleasant consequences.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Love Is Simple

As you move through this journey back to Him, you have a great desire to simplify your life. That which you previously thought important is no longer. You don't want the static of the world -- you want ease, peace, serenity, and stillness.

Love is as simple as it can be. There aren't conditions that have to be met for this to be present. It just is always there.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Don't Be So Defined

Do you notice how when you view a situation or an encounter with someone, you want to make it clear cut what happened? You want to see everything in black and white, because this helps you to understand it and to feel safe.

But in bodies in this dream, everything is gray. Nothing is clear cut. We can view the situation from innumerable perspectives and angles, depending on the premise we start with. Stay in that open space of not knowing, and this leads to God.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Wheat From The Chaff

We are in a time when the wheat is being separated from the chaff.

We are all energetic beings and quantum physics has proven that everything in the universe is in vibration. You want to be vibrating at the higher levels of God's Kingdom, where only joy, peace, gratitude, Unity, and Love are present. You don't want to be vibrating in the lower levels of the world where everything appears separate, where evil and greed and envy and hatred manifest. This is what is meant by "Be in this world but not of it."

How do you do this. First, you have to be aware of what is going on in the world but not be enmeshed in it. How are you interacting with others --- are you getting angry and trying to argue with people and change their mind? In Unity, in God's Kingdom, "right" and "wrong" don't exist as the ego mind wants them to exist. Love sees past appearances because Love is looking from a higher plane.

When someone asked Mother Teresa if she would go to a anti war rally, she said no, but she said she would go to a pro peace rally. Think about that. Everything is of God. If we are against something, we are against a part of God.

Be for respect, honoring all religions, all individual choices instead of against racism and bashing those who promote it. Be for environmental protection versus bashing those doing pipelines that leak. This doesn't mean you don't speak up, but are you doing with it respect and compassion for all life and Unity --- this is the only way change will occur and we will bring in God's Kingdom.

Remember, if you are getting angry, you are likely in a lower vibration and you don't want to stay there. Use the anger to motivate you to help create change in a very positive and respectful way. If you are willing to look at your anger, your fear (which is great in the world) and your biases, then you will not only create great healing for the world but also for yourself.

And you are here to remember and come back to a recognition that you have always been One with God.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Monday, November 18, 2019

Divine Timing

As an integral piece of the puzzle we call God, you go into place when the other pieces around you have been placed. This is Divine timing.

Be patient. You can't push on a string.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Zero Point

When your mind is daydreaming, when it is empty, this is your natural state. From this zero point does Creation emerge. This may feel scary at first, but it is what brings you peace, the peace of God.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Can You Control?

Control the things you can control and give what you can't control to God.

The issue lies in determining what you can control. It is highly likely that you think you can control much more than you really can. Because you are not a good judge of what you can and cannot control, the safest route is to assume you can't control anything --- which knocks down the ego and huge amount and creates humility --- and to give it all to God. You can't be partially pregnant, and you really can't be partially in control of certain things and not of others.

Of course, at a level of Spirit, you and God work hand in hand to create what you have asked for in this lifetime, so that is the ultimate control. But how many people walk this earth from the same consciousness Jesus did. You are working toward that consciousness, but until you get there, assume that you don't know what is in your best interest and you can't control anything.

Give it all to God. With that surrender comes great peace and joy.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Friday, November 15, 2019

Behind The Appearance

When you believe this world to be real, you believe in separation, because what do you see --- all of these separate bodies and separate parts of the Universe.

This automatically engenders fear, because Unity is our true state. This fear manifests through projection, judgment,etc. --- thus we have an appearance of a world that is a complete mess, and appearance wise it is.

But this cannot take away the Truth that underlies this appearance, that there is only Unity and God's Kingdom. When you acknowledge Truth, the false falls away because it was only upheld through your belief.

When you feel fear in any form, feel His Presence and the Unity that you are a part of, and you will have His peace.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Not Intellectually But For Real

Why do the vast majority look outside themselves for who they are?

They look to their education, their job, their spouse, their financial wealth, their body, their sexual prowess, etc.Some even look to "negative" identities like seeing themselves as a victim.

It takes courage to look inside, because we believe that what we will find is heinous an sinful. Many people believe intellectually that God is within, but this belief does not match up to their experience. Intellectually they may believe that God is loving and nonjudgmental, but the willingness to go inside and discover this is not there.

For it takes willingness to wade through the false beliefs you have about your sinfulness. It takes courage to bring up, feel, and release the grief and anger from your past, especially your childhood.

Only by doing this can you see who you are --- inherently --- not what your parents or society told you that you are. Only by doing this can you come to see the Love that you are, and as you do this, simultaneously you see the Love that God is. And then He is there, within you, not intellectually, but for Real.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Without Your Ego Driving

Do you ever notice that you will have a thought and it will take away your peace and joy?

The specifics of the thought can be anything, but the thought is always fear/worry, grievance, self judgment based, and it is never in the present moment. You are always worrying about something, holding a grievance against someone, or judging yourself for something that has occurred or yet to occur.

That's because in the present moment He is there and fear/worry, grievances, and judgment are not possible. Do you think its possible that your peace and joy are always there and your thoughts you don't share with God, your ego thoughts, take you out of the peace and joy? Can you trust those ego thoughts if they don't come from Him?

His thoughts are always love/compassion, peace, and joy based, fully in the moment. Can you operate in the world without your ego thoughts a the driver of the bus? Yes you can, and as you increasingly listen to His thoughts, you will begin to see how very dysfunctional your previous way of functioning was.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Innocence And Wonder

When Jesus said that only those who were like little children would enter Heaven, he was referring to innocence and non judgment.

Judgment is the biggest attribute of the ego. When we judge, we cannot see the Unity of all that is. If you come from judgment, come from the ego, you will not "see" Heaven.

Heaven is within, but our judgment cuts us off from recognizing this. When we judge others, we are really judging ourselves. We are not to become like little children in a physical state but rather our mental state.

When we see from Unity, we see with wonder, innocence, gratitude, and awe. These are attributes of how a child looks at the world until they are "taught" by adults to judge and to see the world as a cruel place. Each of us can return to that innocence and that wonder, opening the doors of Heaven.

Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Monday, November 11, 2019

In Christ's Name

When you pray for something in Christ's name, what does that mean?

Christos means Love in Greek. Jesus became the Christ, He became Love, through his remembrance and recognition that he had never left Oneness with God.

You can pray to Jesus, and that will always be effective, but if you pray in Christ's name, you are praying in, within and to Love. When you pray in Christ's name, you are also praying to Jesus, because he is One with Christ, as are you. When you pray in Christ's name, you are reinforcing that which you are --- Love.

If you really want something to happen but you are fearful of it not happening, then you are drawing the fear to you, and it won't happen. To put it another way, you are giving the power of your thought to believing you will not have it happen. It is like giving gas to the car when in reverse instead of drive.

To make something happen, feel the gratitude that it has already happened. In reality, once you think it, it has already happened because time and space are not fixed as we perceive them. Everything is happening in the now, and everything is created by thought, so once you think it, it has truly happened. Gratitude for it already being done is the water and fertilizer that makes the thought seed pop its head above ground and manifest into a seedling.

The above assumes that what you want does not run contrary to what you have chosen at a level of Spirit. For as Spirit, you have chosen to come to this Earth reality to remember and recognize who you are as a part of God. And when you do this, you are given the fruits of the Kingdom --- peace, Love, and joy --- which is all you could ever want.

But this abundance encompasses many earthy needs such as money, fulfilling relationships and jobs, etc. So these are things you need and want, but don't place them above God.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Sunday, November 10, 2019

God's Reflection

You come back to God by turning inward, for He is within you. You are a reflection of Him, and as you turn inward, that reflection magnifies.

Have you ever seen two mirrors that are across from each other in a bathroom? The reflection goes on ad infinitum. This is how the reflection, the communion, between you and God works. It is ever deepening, eternal, infinite.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Saturday, November 09, 2019

Sharing Secrets

Sharing eliminates fear, especially when we share with our children.

Each of us has our own unique fears, our own unique secrets, and because they are specific to that person, they are not universal. Thus they are not real.

We literally believe that these secrets and fears will kill us, but through sharing, these secrets and fears are demystified. The power is taken away from them.

Because children have only recently left God and the Oneness and entered into this world of illusion, they can avoid forming a lot of personal fears if their parents are open with them. Parents don't have to be free of fear and personal secrets, but what they have to do is share those fears and secrets, acknowledging with their children that these fears are not real. The parents need to share with the child that these issues are their individual "stuff", something they struggle with but are working on. This requires brutal self honesty by the parent, because they must uncover those things they have hidden from themselves.

This openness with a child provides an amazing base of reality from which the child can enter into the world and not get caught up in the personal dramas of people they interact with, nor get caught up in the collective fear of the world. Remember, only that which is Real can be shared. That which is Real is Love and unity, and that is you, for God created you by sharing Himself.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Friday, November 08, 2019


Forgiveness is the vehicle through which you see that this world is not real --- forgiveness of others, forgiveness of experiences and events and the world itself, forgiveness of yourself, and forgiveness of God.

For when you forgive, it helps you to see from a different perspective. It helps you to leave that attack/blame/judgment vision and come to one of Unity and Love. When you do this, the appearance of the world, which is false, falls away, revealing His Kingdom.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf

Thursday, November 07, 2019

Blood Sacrifice

Why would a God, who is Love, require a blood sacrifice?

We should not take things at face value because we were told this by others. You must think for yourself, use logic. You must understand that many things written in the past were later edited by people who wanted power for themselves. Or that they were traditions left over from pagan days.

We must find our own experience of Truth, our own experience of holy communion with God, here in this moment.

Lawrence Doochin

These posts are similar to the over 2700 contained on The Divine Speaks website (www.thedivinespeaks.com) where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time. Lawrence is the author of several books on emotional and spiritual healing, including the latest "The Divine Speaks (Volume 1): Sayings About Life, Love, and God." which can be purchased on Amazon (link below). Now the statements you have enjoyed electronically are presented in this new book in a divinely guided order which takes the reader on a powerful journey of remembrance, bringing about great healing and personal growth. http://a.co/51Urbqf


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