Forgiveness Offers Everything You Want
We are in turbulent times. The appearance of the world is worsening. For those who do not recognize any part of their spiritual awakening, fear and anger will continue to rise within them, and they will feel very lost. Those of us who are conscious of our awakening have the blessing of seeing from a much higher perspective, but that doesn't mean that it is any easier for us. Many of us have done our "work" for a long time. When the fear and anger arises within us, we tend to judge it, like we are doing something wrong. Like we have fallen back or fallen off our spiritual path. We can never fall off our spiritual path, because only God exists, thus there is nothing that is not spiritual. There is really not a path. I have written about forgiveness before, and in these times, forgiveness becomes very important. Most people have the wrong concept of forgiveness. They believe that you have to forgive, to overlook, something that is true. But forgiveness really means that we first see that the appearance of everything is a dream, thus there is nothing to forgive. No attack or hurt was done to you. It happened only in the illusion. When we judge ourselves for our anger and fear, we project this out to others as judgment of them, their actions, their words, their appearance. If we forgive them these "sins," then we see from the perspective that this is all a dream. We see that none of these "sins" occurred. Then a miracle occurs. We forgive ourselves. We also see that we never sinned. Offering forgiveness "works" for two reasons. When we offer forgiveness to someone else, a group, or the world, we offer it to ourself, because we are One. And we can only offer forgiveness if we have forgiveness to give. By offering something, we acknowledge that we already have it. Doesn't God work beautifully?