Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.
If you are in a completely dark house, what happens when you light just one candle?
Each of us is a piece of a large puzzle. The puzzle is incomplete without the piece that is you. Not only are you critical to the puzzle, you are critical to the pieces around you. These pieces cannot go into the puzzle unless you are already in there. We are all dependent on each other to complete the puzzle. The puzzle is God.
Are you the creator of what happens to you in this dream, or is everything that happens to you not created by you? If everything is not created by you, who is creating what happens to you? Or is everything that happens to you totally random? I assume that if you are reading this, then God is important in your life. Do you believe that God creates everything that happens to you, or does He only create part of what happens to you? If so, what parts are the ones He creates? How does He choose?
Your belief system may incorporate several things from above, and these beliefs may change often as you have certain experiences. Maybe if you have a "good" experience, He has created that, but if you have a "bad" experience, then you cannot quite understand why He created that. Or maybe you think He only creates good experiences. We talked about things blending to grey in a previous post, but this is a different situation, as this is truly one way or the other. God cannot be active in your life only at certain times. You cannot create only at certain times. If so, that would mean complete randomness and chaos in the body of God. So in order to understand from a higher perspective why we have certain experiences, we need to first build the foundation of the house. This foundation is that there can be no partiality, otherwise God would not be One. Either everything is random, which would be very scary for all of us, or the other option is that God or we create everything that happens to us. The belief that God doles out good and bad experiences is consistent with the ego view that everything is separate, especially God. But from our perspective of Oneness, we know that God is not separate from us, thus He expresses through us. We are One with Him, and you can say that we create what happens to each of us with Him. Since there can be no partiality, everything that happens to us is created by us.
So now the question may arise as to why you create "bad" experiences for yourself. But that is a question based on wrong assumptions, kind of like asking whether you take a Ford or Chevy to drive across the lake ( it is a question that makes no sense based on your belief system). From a perspective of Oneness, we can see that this world is a dream of separation. We are the writer of the play that we are staging, and we are also the main character in the play. But we need to make sure that when we are acting in the play, we remember that it is a play. We cannot take it as real. Everything (no partiality) that happens in the play is meant to bring us back to a remembrance of Oneness with Him. When we see from this perspective, we know that there cannot be any "bad" experiences. Bad and good are an ego perspective. Sometimes it is very hard to see this in the midst of tragedy, but His Love, His blessings, and His Presence is in the midst of everything, in all experiences, from the greatest blessings to the worst tragedies. Nothing happens that is random, and nothing happens as punishment.
What binds us to the past? Nothing can, but we believe we are bound to it by the power we give to regrets, guilt, self judgment, unforgiveness, anger, shame, etc. There is a difference between being in the present moment and remembering a past experience versus living in the past. In the former you remember, you re-experience, the feeling of joy and love from an experience such as your marriage or the birth of a child. Although this happened in the "past", you are bringing it to the present moment, which is all that exists, through the vehicle of those attributes you inherited from God --- joy, peace, and love. In the latter, you are not living in the present moment, because the power you give to regret (just one example) binds you to no mans land. The past does not really exist, so you are not there, but neither are you in the present moment, because in this one moment, nothing false exists (regrets, guilt, etc).
If we have regrets, we are saying more than the fact that we wish we could have done it differently. We are beating ourselves up (guilt, self judgment, unforgiveness --- all legs on the same stool), and not allowing ourselves to experience the wonder, joy, and peace that comes from the present moment. Now, you can say that you wish you had done something differently but be in the present moment. We all have things that we would have liked to have done differently, but we can choose how we look at these "regrets", and we can choose whether we judge ourselves.
How do we take a "negative" experience that happened in the past and let it go? We think differently about what happened. For instance, if you had something traumatic happen in your childhood, you now have the benefit of a much wiser perspective as an adult. What that little boy or girl thought at the time the experience happened is very understandable, but you are now an adult, and it is likely that your resources to heal from that experience are completely different. By staying in the present moment and bringing that experience into that moment, you can transform it. We heal things by bringing them to the present moment. That is where He is, and when we come to the present moment, we are acknowledging who we are and our innate ability to heal ourselves.
Think about something you really want to happen. Do you trust, are you 100% certain, that God will make it happen? If not, why not?
My terminology in saying that God will make it happen is not the best. A better way to say it is that God and you will make it happen as He expresses through you. How can you know with certainty that something is going to happen? Well, you have the POWER to make anything happen. But I am not talking about moving mountains here (although that is the case) --- I am referring to something like the publication of a book, a promotion at work, a solution to a problem. Your task is to believe with 100% certainty and trust that it will happen. How it happens, and the time frame it happens, is not up to you. That is where God comes in. You have expressed your need, and you know that it will be taken care of. All you have to do is sit back and follow the guidance of what you need to do to make it happen. You don't have to worry about the details, as you completely trust the end result.
Unfortunately, what happens for a lot of people is that they start out with a very high trust level, and then something happens which makes them doubt a little. Instead of concentrating on the end result, they are worrying about the details, and they begin to doubt the end result. Something may happen after that which is "good". It reinforces their trust. Then another "bad" thing. You do not want to be smacked around by the daily ups and downs. These are appearances. Everything could look very bleak, but a "miracle" could happen at anytime. Miracles come about through 100% faith and trust. So make your perspective a very high one, and leave the "driving" up to God.
When you look for a great teacher, you are looking for someone who is "close" to God. While there may be a number of people that fit this role, you can look no further than children you see every day. They are GIA --- God in Action. Because they have "recently" been with Him, they are not "tainted" by the world and adults. The younger they are, the less they have been taught to act and conform a certain way. They express "true" emotions, and by that I mean that they freely show what they are feeling. They have no agenda in their interactions.
Look at the joy on a child's face as he or she plays a game. Everything is a wonder to them, because everything IS a wonder, and they see it for what it is. They not only live in the joy that is our inheritance form God, they ARE the joy. This is the same joy that you see on the face of the mystics and prophets, past and present. They know this world is not real, so why would they let their joy be affected by any experience or any person. They have no expectations or agendas.
Anger is an emotion that scares many of us. We are afraid to let our anger out, and we are afraid to be on the receiving end of someone else's anger. It brings up the belief that there is guilt attached to someone, and we run from guilt. Thus, a large majority of people do not know how to express their anger in the right fashion, because anger is not to be feared. People either keep it bottled up, which leads to depression and/or disease, or they let it out in inappropriate ways by screaming at or demeaning someone. But look at the raw unfiltered anger of a 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum. They are not judging themselves for doing it, and they do not have an agenda. They are just mad, and once it is over, it is over. There is no afterthought about it.
Now, let's talk about the emotion of fear. Look at the fear and terror on a child's face who is either being hit or screamed at by an adult. For a lot of us, we had similar experiences when we were children, and when you see that happening to a child, your heart melts for that child. Having the feelings of great compassion and sadness for that child is certainly enough for you to want to not do that to your own kids, and really for everyone you encounter.
The fear experienced by a child who is going through something like that is real. It is a raw unfiltered emotion. Unfortunately, that emotion is not one that a child benefits from. Once that fear is experienced by the child a number of times, the child becomes tainted by these interactions. They "learn" to speak or act in a way that limits these experiences, and once they do that, they are no longer the free beings they were when they entered this dream. This happens at different ages for different kids. Blessed are those parents who do not let their judgments or agenda affect who that child is MEANT to be. The saying "becoming more open" is no accident. When we do this, we are returning to a place we were before, one where we express our emotions and feelings in a forthright but non hurtful manner. We are literally opening so that God can express through us in a very demonstrative way.