I am Therefore I am: November 2012

Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Nothing is Ever Accomplished ...

Nothing is ever accomplished by self judgment. You can't "correct" the situation or change the past by condemning yourself. Self judgment takes you down a negative spiral where you then cannot make proper amends and right decisions. If you have hurt someone, beating yourself up does not help them. When you make a mistake and you feel guilty, let the guilt and self judgment go. When you start with
compassion on yourself, you can have compassion on others, and you can stay in that space where He can give you the answers as to what direction you need to go. How do you have compassion on yourself in this situation? First, know that everyone at some time has had self judgment and guilt over experiences that they would choose to do differently the next time. Second, remember that compassion is the foundation of Love, and you are Love, for you are One with Him.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Making Lemonade

All "problems" are opportunities to make lemonade out of lemons. For a problem is only "negative" when we see it that way. If we see it from the higher perspective that God loves us and always has our highest good, that He is not punishing us, then we can see what He is trying to show us to bring us closer to Him. Everything in life is a matter of perspective and attitude.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Live in the Moment

Do you notice that as some people grow into their elder years, they are less joyful and look as if they are just going through the motions, almost as if they are waiting to die? Young people live more in the moment and they also have something to look forward to --- a career, relationships, etc --- as the future "holds promise." For many middle aged and elderly people, the future is quickly dwindl
ing. Looking to the future and/or wishing you were still in the past, wanting the excitement and adventures of youth, prevents someone from knowing the joy of the present moment, the Now. This is where the richness of Life is. This is where God resides. When you are in the Now with Him, the age of your physical body is irrelevant, because you exist in the eternal with Him.

I am available to do talks in certain cities, and I will be beginning a series of free talks in Nashville starting this Saturday December 1. If you have an interest in coordinating a talk in your city or attending the Nashville talk, please contact me at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Highest Form of Prayer

When we are told to pray without ceasing, this does not necessarily mean that we are constantly saying a prayer in our thoughts. This is not practical as we move through the world. But what is possible is to constantly keep our attention on God. To remember Him and to continually call in His Presence is the highest form of prayer, because it is communion. You can do this in every moment, even when
you are doing tasks or talking to someone. The more you do this, the greater will your peace be.

I am available to do talks and question/answer segments in certain cities. I will be beginning a series of talks in Nashville starting this Saturday December 1. If you have an interest in attending or hosting a talk in another city, please contact me at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com. Thank you!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Self Pity and Victimhood

Everyone feels sorry for themselves at different points in time, but the question is whether this self pity is turned into victimhood. Self pity and being a victim are a "me" mentality. The focus for that person becomes themself, as if they are the center of the universe. This is an ego perspective. A person who acts like a victim believes they have power, and they are "happy" because the attentio
n is on them. If you take self pity and turn it around, it becomes compassion for yourself and others. This is a God perspective. Compassion, as a part of Love, takes the focus from an individual to the whole. This creates true joy, not "happiness". It also creates true power that comes from the whole as opposed to false power that the ego thinks it has.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Go Direct

When you need to find out something from someone, ask them directly. So many people are afraid to even ask a question --- they would rather not know. And even if a question is asked, many phrase it so that their intent is unclear. It is almost as if they are ashamed to ask it or they really don't want to hear the answer. You cannot make decisions, you cannot live an authentic life, have authentic relationships, unless you are completely honest and direct. This doesn't mean you have to hurt someone's feelings when you ask the question. It also doesn't mean that their answer will hurt your feelings, although this is possible. Remember, be direct in all your relationships as this makes them authentic. This includes your relationship with God. There has been so many layers of dogma and expectations and shoulds that have been laid down by others who have made it look as if we have to do all these things to get to Him. Go direct! Direct equals simplicity equals authenticity.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Being Free

When you begin to give up all the ego games and strategies and defenses, all of the ways you try to control situations or people, you look back and see how you have imprisoned yourself and cut off your peace and joy. You lived in hell, but you don't know it is that until you have stepped out of it, at least temporarily, and looked back. For His peace and joy can only come from being free, and you
are only free when you have released that which is false and which blocks your recognition of your Oneness with Him.

Friday, November 23, 2012

As God Created You

You are as God created you. This one recognition will cleanse you of all sorrow, of all fear, of all depression, and of all false belief, while bringing you a joy that will never depart you.

I am available to do talks in certain cities. If you have an interest in hosting a talk, please contact me at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com. If you live in the Nashville area, I will be starting a series of free talks with questions/answers on Saturday December 1.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Bringing Awareness

When you bring awareness to an issue, you are bringing God's Light to it. This transforms it, transmutes it, takes the power away from it, and heals it. Awareness is simply an observation and a recognition of why you react the way you do --- in all situations or in specific situations. Being fully aware and fully awake are the same thing. When you fully understand what is the trigger which makes you react a certain way, then you no longer have need of that reaction.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Yes, you can really have all your problems go away. The outer circumstances or appearance may not change, but what changes is their ability to affect you.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Same Coin

Joy and compassion are two sides of the same coin. For we are only joyful when we exhibit compassion, when we are Love.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Christ is Truth. Christ is Love. Christ is the Truth behind all appearances. Christ is the Love behind all appearances. When we see the Christ in someone, we are seeing the Truth of their being.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Go Past The Abundance

Remembering that there is only abundance for you and everyone else in this dream is an important step on the journey, but it is not the end all. You can be the richest and most prosperous person on the planet, but you will be very empty and depressed if you don't know the Love of God. So you must go past abundance to why you are truly here --- to recognize and remember your relationship and Oneness with Him.

Also, I am available to do talks in certain cities. If you have an interest in hosting a talk, please contact me at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com. If you live in the Nashville area, I will be starting a series of free talks with questions/answers on Saturday December 1.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Radio Show Interview

This is an hour long radio show that I did which can be helpful to listen to for an understanding of my background. God bless!


That Which You Give Power To

That which you fear and give power to --- your hatred, fear, anger, shame, and guilt --- becomes stronger simply by your belief in them. A belief can't be released until it is recognized.

Also, I am available to do talks in certain cities. If you have an interest in hosting a talk, please contact me at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com. If you live in the Nashville area, I will be starting a series of free talks with questions/answers on Saturday December 1.

Friday, November 16, 2012

What Do You Keep Hidden?

Some people keep parts of themselves hidden for fear that others and God will see how "evil" they are. But we are not separate bodies. We are One, and there are no secrets. No hidden areas. if you can gather the courage to look at these hidden parts, you will eventually come away laughing. For there was never any evil there. There was only your belief in evil. Belief does not equal reality.

I am available to do talks in certain cities. If you have an interest in hosting a talk, please contact me at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com. If you live in the Nashville area, I will be starting a series of free talks with questions/answers on Saturday December 1.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

You Have The Choice

Remember, no one can "make you" feel guilty. No one can make you feel anything. That is your choice. Someone may act as the trigger, but they are giving you a gift so you can release false beliefs and move closer to God.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Are You a Label?

If you want to be known by the world for something --- a great lawyer, a spiritual authority, an excellent chef, even the negative as in a victim --- if you want to have that label, you are not free. Freedom comes from knowing your Oneness with God, knowing that you play roles in this false world, this world of appearances, ONLY so that you can remember that Oneness.

I will be interviewed on a radio show tonight at 7pm CST which can be heard at the link below.

Also, I am available to do talks in certain cities. If you have an interest in hosting a talk, please contact me at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com. If you live in the Nashville area, I will be starting a series of free talks with questions/answers on Saturday December 1.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Be Full in Him

In everything we do there must be wholeness and inclusiveness. God is Unity, and if we exclude anything, we are not operating in that Unity. When you have thoughts you don't like, do you try to push those thoughts out of your head? What if you accepted, were present with the thought AND were present with the desire to get that thought out of your head? When you concentrate on a task, aren't you excluding everything else? When you concentrate on what these words are saying, what if you were "aware" of your desire to get the meaning, of the silence between each word, of the bird chirping outside your window? What if you held all of these at the same time? This is not only possible. This is how you are meant to walk the world. Be full in Him, be full in ALL that IS.

I am available to do talks in certain cities. If you have an interest in hosting a talk, please contact me at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com. If you live in the Nashville area, I will be starting a series of free talks with questions/answers on Saturday December 1. Also, I will be interviewed on a radio show tomorrow at 7pm CST which can be heard at the link below. Thanks!



Monday, November 12, 2012

Right Now

Many people go from one addiction to another, always seeking to fill that deep hole of longing and sadness over not feeling God's Love. Some have to hit rock bottom, while others make the realization when they are dying and they finally know that the body was not their reality.But you can know His Love, right here, right now. You can put aside your fears, your defenses, the ways in which you turn your face from Him, and know Him now.


I will be beginning a series of free and informal talks with questions and answers in the Nashville TN area after Thanksgiving. The first will be on Saturday December 1 in the afternoon at 1:00. If you have an interest in attending, please message me here or email me at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com (or through the Divine Speaks website) so I can let you know the time and directions. Also, please let others know about it. Also, I will be interviewed on a radio show this Wednesday at 7:00 CST which can be accessed through this link

Thanks and God bless!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Blessed Are Those

Blessed are those who have not allowed worldly possessions to come before God. Blessed are those who have not allowed their preconceived ideas to block God revealing Himself to them. Blessed are those who have not allowed advanced academic
degrees or intellectual pride to tell them who God must be. Blessed are those who disregard the opinions of family and friends as to what they should be doing religiously or spiritually. Blessed are those who will go to no end, even death, to love Him, to be with Him.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Even One Moment

If you can live for one day, one hour, even one moment, as if you have no past, you will be transformed.

Friday, November 09, 2012

I Know

Two of the most dangerous words in the English language are "I know,", unless you are saying I know that I do not know. How can you know the full picture, the complete perspective? Many people believe they know, but they are looking through a very narrow focus. It is kind of like thinking you are seeing a piece of peanut brittle when in fact you have your face pressed up to the bark of an enormous tree, part of an enormous forest. The more you realize that you don't know, the more you will understand, and the more He can work through you. Because to enter the Kingdom, we have to become like little children --- humble, innocent, loving, in the moment. The stonger you hold your beliefs, opinions, and judgments, the more you THINK you know, but the less you really do.

I will be beginning a series of free and informal talks with questions and answers in the Nashville TN area after Thanksgiving. The first will be on Saturday December 1 in the afternoon with the time to be determined. If you have an interest in attending, please message me here or email me at lawrence@lawrencedoochin.com (or through the Divine Speaks website) so I can let you know the time and directions. Also, please let others know about it. Thanks and God bless!


Thursday, November 08, 2012

Where, When, Who Are You?

Where are you? Quantum physics has already proven that our linear based concepts of space do not exist. When are you? Similarly, it has been proven that linear time does not exist. Who are you? Since we are One with Him, we are more than this collection of neurons, thoughts, and feelings which "you" identify as yourself.

I will be doing some talks in the Nashville TN area beginning after Thanksgiving. If you have an interest in attending, please message me and let me know evenings which are best for you and please let others know. Thank you!

Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Now is a time for coming together and unity. You cannot know God's Love if you see good and bad. In God, there are not differences, only Love. How do we do this? First, you have to want it. You must be willing to witness your judgment of others and want to change it. For it is a poison to you, even if you don't see that. It is easy to stay in your judgment. It takes courage to step out of that. Second, you must have great compassion on those you want to judge. Put yourself in their shoes. Everyone has things they have done, thoughts they have had, which they would have done differently. Would you what someone else condemning you for these things? Then why do you condemn others for what you THINK they have done. Compassion opens up heaven to you.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Saying Yes to God

When we say yes to God, this does not mean that everything will be roses. In fact, it is highly likely that it will not be. Each of us has many false layers of beliefs to work through --- false beliefs about who we really are and what our relationship with Him is. Working through these false beliefs can bring up a lot of emotional and spiritual pain as well as physical issues where our body rejuvenates and recreates itself, is born again, to hold more of His Light. This is a path of remembrance. As we remember who we really are, we feel more of His peace and joy as we work through these layers of false beliefs.

I will be away and not posting for about one week.


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