We are told that we are created in God's image, and this is very
true. As we have discussed before, quantum physics has proven that only
Unity, one unified energy field exists --- there is no separation! When
we say that God is One, we are saying that God is All, and contrary to
what your eyes "see," you are One with everything and everyone. And this
means that you share the attributes of God.
But except for a
very small number of people, most of the world sees God in their image,
in how they view themselves. So if you self judge, you will see God as
judgmental. If you see yourself as sinful, you will see God, not as sin,
but as separate from you and judging you for your "sin."
This is
because most people live through an ego perspective. The ego is
actually a very small part of who you are, and the ego passes away into
nothingness when your Spirit leaves this reality, but most people feel
no connection to who they truly are at a Spirit level and think the ego
is all there is.
The ego has been formed from your experiences
and beliefs, especially what happened to you in childhood. If your
parents weren't loving to you, you likely came to believe that you were
not lovable. This created rose colored glasses for how you see others,
the world, and especially God. So you don't believe that God is a loving
God and you believe that He will judge and punish you for your "sins."
But God is Love. This is a not a human love --- this is a Divine Love
which means that God loves us unconditionally, regardless of our actions
or thoughts. He cannot do otherwise for He is Love! And you are that
Love, if you can uncover and release those false beliefs which keep the
ego "in control" and which prevent you from seeing who you truly are.
We are each evolving individually to come back to a recognition of that
Love, and we are evolving collectively. So in the Old Testament times,
God was seen as a judgmental and punishing God. But Jesus came to awaken
us to the recognition that God is Love, and this is what we are all
being asked to see.
Many people see "negative" events as God's
punishment, but an event is just an event --- it is how it is viewed
which determines whether it is "good" or "bad." When we take a higher
perspective, and we understand that we are here in this reality to grow
and come back to God in our recognition and remembrance --- not in
reality for we have never left Him --- we can see the gifts in
everything that happens to us. We can see that everything is Love, and
everything that happens, even the "negative" stuff, is meant not to
punish us but to help us release attachment to this false world and to
awaken us to our greater reality. We can see that this life is very
temporary, almost like participating in dream or a play on the stage,
and that we are eternal Spirit, one with the Love that created us out of
Lawrence Doochin
These posts are similar to the over 2500 contained on The Divine Speaks website (
where God gives YOU the one that you need to hear at that time.
Lawrence is the author of three books on emotional and spiritual
healing, including "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To
God Consciousness: Healing Traumatic Experiences Including Sexual,
Physical, Emotional, And Mental Abuse."