Reach Out
You can hear God speaking to you, be in holy communion with him, every moment. Your beliefs prevent you from experiencing this. You may believe that it is not possible, as God is far away in Heaven or you have to go through an intermediary --- a religious leader who is "closer" to Him --- to connect with God. You may believe you are not worthy --- why would God interact with you on such as close and personal basis --- there is no way you could be that holy. You may believe that God is to be feared, thus you use that as an excuse or rationalization to fool yourself that it is not possible. You may believe that it is just to good to be true, that there can't be one answer to all of yours and the world's problems.
It isn't to good to be true, and it is the answer to all of your "problems." Reach out to Him --- He waits in infinite patience because this is what Love does. Not only do you long for Him because you are also Love, He longs for you.
It isn't to good to be true, and it is the answer to all of your "problems." Reach out to Him --- He waits in infinite patience because this is what Love does. Not only do you long for Him because you are also Love, He longs for you.