Dispelling Mistruth
This is a world of great falsity and mistruth. We are so many revolutions or derivations away from God and Truth that most people no longer recognize that Truth lives within them. They no longer recognize their relationship with Him, and they turn their face to the falsity and mistruths of the world. How do you put Light into this darkness?
You don't do it by judging others being far away in the...ir understanding and arguing over things which are so far removed from Truth that they become irrelevant. Find the Truth within you. In all that you do, conduct your life, your interactions, your relationships, from great honesty, integrity, and directness. Be completely honest with yourself about your motives and beliefs. By increasing your Light, you will help the world to dispel mistruth and to return to Him. Do your part and the rest will be taken care of.
A number of you have asked whether you can purchase a printed book of "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To Divine Consciousness: Healing From Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse" which had been available by free download. Now you can purchase through Amazon on the link below this small (pocket size) and inexpensive but very powerful book, not only for your use but also to give away to those you love and want to help. Please spread this blessing.
http://www.amazon.com/ Thirteen-Steps-Move-Victim-Cons ciousness/dp/1481989987/
You don't do it by judging others being far away in the...ir understanding and arguing over things which are so far removed from Truth that they become irrelevant. Find the Truth within you. In all that you do, conduct your life, your interactions, your relationships, from great honesty, integrity, and directness. Be completely honest with yourself about your motives and beliefs. By increasing your Light, you will help the world to dispel mistruth and to return to Him. Do your part and the rest will be taken care of.
A number of you have asked whether you can purchase a printed book of "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To Divine Consciousness: Healing From Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse" which had been available by free download. Now you can purchase through Amazon on the link below this small (pocket size) and inexpensive but very powerful book, not only for your use but also to give away to those you love and want to help. Please spread this blessing.