I Am Therefore I Am

Describing the path of our Love with God, a path of remembering our Oneness with Him.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Why Was Jesus Persecuted?

Jesus was persecuted because he was Love. He had released all falseness, all belief in separation, allowing his divinity and oneness with God to shine through. As Love with no covering, he acted as a perfect mirror for those he encountered. If the person he interacted with judged little and had love for himself and others, then that person would be very attracted to Jesus, just as a moth is attracted to the light. Jesus, as a perfect mirror, reflected God's Love, awakening a recognition in that person that this Love was also a part of them. We all want to return to that Love, but we simply have to make the recognition that we have never left it.

If Jesus encountered a person who judged himself greatly for his perceived sins, one who did not recognize the Love inside, then that person wanted to persecute and kill Jesus. Jesus' light shone brightly into their shadow areas, those places which they wanted to keep hidden so their beliefs about themselves would not come to light. When we have these false beliefs that we are sinful and unloved, we fear that the light of Truth and Love will illuminate these shadow areas, because we fear that these beliefs are true. We try to hide them from God (from Love), because we believe that He will punish us if He sees how sinful we are. A mind which believes itself to be separate from God has very illogical and illusory thoughts.

As the first person to be in this world but not of it, to be a completely clear vessel for God, Jesus was crucified so that his body would be destroyed. The belief of those who persecuted and killed him was that by destroying his body, God would not be able to "get at" them. In effect, by destroying Jesus, they were destroying and triumphing over God. A separated mind believes it must triumph over God or it will be killed by God.


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