Your Past, Your Future
What if you did not have a past? What if you
did not have expectations about the future? Who would you be? How would
you feel? Each of us has a different "past." It defines us, but it also
limits us, as we see the world through the experiences we have had. So
you may say that you cannot get away from your past. But your past is
"gone" --- you have already gotten away from it. The only thing that remains
from your past are the beliefs that were created from those
experiences. The "future" has not happened yet, but you have
expectations --- beliefs --- about what it will be like. Whether it is
related to your past, or to your future, you can drop those beliefs.
There does not have to be anything that limits you. Just as He is
unlimited, you are unlimited, for you are a part of Him. When you drop
what limits you, you come to KNOW Him.
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A number of you have asked whether you can purchase a printed book of "Thirteen Steps To Move From Victim Consciousness To Divine Consciousness: Healing From Traumatic Experiences, Including Sexual, Physical, Emotional, and Mental Abuse" which had been available by free download. Now you can purchase through Amazon on the link below this small (pocket size) and inexpensive but very powerful book, not only for your use but also to give away to those you love and want to help. Please spread this blessing.